Monday, March 05, 2012

Weigh-In: Week 7

No excuses but the last couple of weeks have been crazy and to be honest I really haven't "tried" to do better these last few weeks...not as hard as I should have anyway. I have still stayed away from "regular" sodas & sweet tea which is a biggie for me. I have also done a "little" better about food but not as good as I should have. I can't tell you the last time I had some water & I haven't exercised in weeks. That being said...this week I am mainly focusing on my water intake & getting back on track with my exercise since those are things I have made the smallest effort to do. Next week, I will add in being a little more strict on my diet. I have 18 more pounds I want to lose before our cruise in 69 days so I better get with it! Unfortunately, I am back up 3 pounds from when I started and now after seven weeks I am just at a loss of:

I have two words to say to that...GAME ON!

P.S. I haven't blogged since last Monday....gotta get back on that...makes me feel more motivated!