Showing posts with label Tiff 2006. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiff 2006. Show all posts

Monday, January 09, 2006

New Outlook!

Wow! Sounds like the Trafany Fruit Flush is doing good for you!!! I should have at least try to modify it instead of quitting completely. Have I ever told you about my feminine problems? Without going into too many details - I can go for a year without a period and then I can turn around and go for months and months with one. It has been a nightmare. I got put back on BC Thursday to help regulate it. (When we get ready to try "baby making" I will get put on something else but decided I didn’t want to end up pregnant before WDW!) Anyway, I started taking it Thursday. My "problem" thus far has seemed to "clear up" and I am telling you I feel SO much better!! It also problem helps that I was more active yesterday!! I really feel great. It is a good feeling! I have decided to also come up with kind of my own "diet" plan.

I know for sure I don’t drink enough. This is something I really need to bring in to my diet because without it the weight won’t come off as fast. I remember once you telling me that on one of the plans you tried you tried they say to drink half of your weight in water. Half of my weight would be about 15 8oz glasses. I have a hard time drinking water when I eat so 5 of those ten glasses will be at my 5 different meal/snack times and I will use my "orange" crystal light in those along with another glass of regular water. The other glasses will be "gulp" straight water in between meals! I think this will help A LOT!

Truthfully you can’t really lose weight without adding this in. I am going to try to do something everyday for at least 20 minutes for the next two weeks. If I go over that is fine as long as I do something EVERYDAY for 20 minutes.

For the next two weeks I am going to stick to a strict diet Monday - Friday. On the weekends I am going to be more laid back though I will still somewhat watch what I eat but I won’t be counting calories. Come Monday morning back to my diet! My food for the next week will consist of this:

8oz Water

B - Oatmeal & Crystal Light Water + 8oz Water

16oz Water

S - Orange & Crystal Light Water + 8oz Water

16oz Water

L - Creamy Chicken Soup @ Hand, Dannon Yogurt w/Fiber, Banana & Crystal Light Water
+ 8oz Water

16oz Water

D - Grilled: Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast, 1 cup Zucchini, 1 cup Broccoli, 1 cup Mushrooms & Crystal Light Water + 8oz Water

2 Cups Milk

Protein: 3 Servings
Fruit: 4 Servings
Veggies: 3 Servings
Dairy: 3 Servings
Calories: 1150

What do you think?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I failed Miserably!

So I tried the first "protein" day. I did okay until about 2:00pm. I used a protein mix that Brian had at the house that he had bought awhile back. Let just say I had to "gag" it down in the first place then by 2:00pm when I tried to drink it again it LITERALLY made me sick. After that even the smell of it or the THOUGHT of it made me sick. It was horrible!!! It was something like one of these but it is fruit punch flavored. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. I wish I would have thought of the low-carb slim fast. So now I need to start again! I don't get paid again until Friday and don't have the money so let me know how your part goes - I look forward to seeing your stats for those days - and I will try the "Traci & Tiffany" version of the Fruit-Flush Detox. I would think it would still be pretty good. I just can't even imagine trying to "gag" down another one of those protein shakes!! I still haven't eaten too terribly bad but I have not necessarily eaten that great yet either. I think Baylee and I will get out for a walk this afternoon and the next couple of afternoons since I have done NO walking and have not drank hardley any water. Those are the two things I am going to focus on right now. I am still going to watch what I am eating but focus alot on exercise and water for the next couple of know make 'em a habit. I want this SO bad but thus far I have had a pretty hard time with it. I am still glad we have this makes me feel more accountable when I know I have to answer to Trafany. I guess it is not supposed to be easier is it! I know I can do this - I just need to get with it!

Congrats on the weight loss! If you keep it going you will be at your 1st mini-goal by the 15th!! I was doing okay until the holidays. As of last weigh in I am still 30lbs away from my first mini-goal. I am giving myself until May 15th to reach that first mini-goal. That is only between 1.5 and 2.0 lbs a week. I have to, have to, have to, HAVE to make myself do this! I do NOT want to spend another summer miserable. No I won't be at my goal weight by summer but if I could at least feel like I am working towards something that would be good! I am ready to throw out all thos 22/24 clothes and be in a 18/20. At that point I will really feel like I am achieving something! That will be awesome!

Yes send me some of that stuff and I have seen that audioblog thing on another site - pretty cool!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Not only do I have a B&B - we are both T’s! Just add that to the list of things in common!

Organic - I agree about the organic. It is very expensive but it is so much better for you! It is a shame that it is so expensive to eat healthy! No wonder so many people in America are Obese!!!

TBL - Watching the show last night I was really encouraged. Once again these are just people that are watching what they eat and exercising. If WHOLE families can do this it seems like I should be able to do it! It is amazing how much 40lbs makes a difference. Then that one mom that lost 78 - wow! The all looked great! I got my BL book yesterday but did not have time to read it yet. As soon as I do I will start posting info, etc. as I read it.

Discovery/ - I signed up for the Discovery but I never went in and researched. Yes before on our "other" tries to lose weight we did discuss fitday. I am glad you brought it up because I was trying to think of it because I remembered the little charts and stuff. I do really good when I can see how I am actually doing!

Detox Diet - I was going to send you the info out of the magazine I found but when I started looking it had a website. I went to that website and found out I could by the e-book for $5.00. I am going to get you the info ASAP. I only read the magazine version - I have not read the e-book yet. I plan on doing that tonight. My goal is to start day 1 of the fruit flush on Saturday. You want to do it to?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Weigh-In Wednesday: Tiffany

Well I weighed in this morning....255. Still not as low as I was on my first weigh-in; however, I am down 4 lbs from last weeks 259 and still less that the 262 that I started with way back in August.

I am going to sign up for that Discovery Health thing - great idea!

Any loss - 1.3lbs or not - is great! You go girl!

Well look at it this way even if you do have to start trying now you can still continue to try to lose weight. I mean considering the other problems you have had in the past you may or may not get pregnant on your first couple of tries!! Also, there are alot of workout tapes etc for pregnant mom's. It would also be good for the baby for you to eat healthier and at least walk so don't look at it as a bad thing if you have to start so soon - just stay on track no matter what! If you keep up the good eating and exercising habits through out the pregnancy and don't use the pregnancy as an excuse you will drop the weight SO fast after you have the baby!

I found this kind of "detox" in a magazine I saw at the store yesterday and I picked it up. The lady that told about it lost 9lbs in 3 days. Of course *results not typical*. Anyway, I am going to try it tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. On the 1st day it is alot of Protein shakes etc, 2nd and 3rd days it is alot of fruits. The article really explains it. I will scan it in and email it to you in the morning just in case you want to try it too. They say you can do the detox for 3 days and then regular diet for 4 days and then start over. They were saying you can do this up to 12 weeks or so and it really "cleanses" your body and gives your weight loss a boost!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Yikes! New "Five Month" Goal!

We have picked a couple of dates. We have decided that we will go to Disney World sometime between the last week in May to the first week in August. That means I have to get on it NOW because JUST IN CASE we decide to go the last week in May I would really really really like to lose at least 40 lbs by then. That would put me at 219 from my last weekend and at least down one size. That means I would have to lose on average 2lbs per week. I don't know how reasonable that is but I am really really going to try to get as close as I can in the next five months!


Yup - I went out with a HUGE bang in 2005. I ate and ate junk and tons of food I didn't need! THOUGH no looking at the past I am moving on! It is a new year! I feel like I have a fresh start and I am ready for it!! I am really really cutting back for the next couple of weeks. I probably will have low calories but I have GOT to train myself that bigger is not necessarily better. I am just going to have to eat very little to kind of "shrink" my stomach. I know it sounds dumb but the only time I ever really lost a good bit of weight this is how I started. I get very discouraged when I don't lose pretty quick in the first couple of weeks. I seem to do much much better when I have a little jump start. It gives me just the encouragement I need. It is a NEW YEAR! No excuses!! We can do it!!

Yikes that is alot of Calories at Shogun!! We have those type of places here and I love them. I guess if I do go there I will have to skimp out on eating the rest of the day!!

I am glad you shared those websites with me. I am trying my best to get into this. Calorie counting is one of the ONLY weightloss techniques I haven't tried! The thing is it is basically about just cutting back and exercising - which I should do anyway! I got an email saying my biggest loser book shipped. I should get it any day now...I will share with you when I do!

As far as the scale goes - I agree! No weighing EXCEPT on weigh-in day!

Also, UNLESS I don't have something to post I will probably comment to you in my post so that you don't have to look so many places since it is just us!! However, if I am not posting at the time I will leave you a comment under your post so it wouldn't hurt to occasionly check the site for my comments if you haven't received a post email from me!