Thursday, March 11, 2004

Heart Attack...Nearly

Brian, my husband, has just nearly made me have a heart attack. He calls me and said Mark, his USCG recruiter, just offered him a position to go to Iraq. He told Brian that it would be more pay and he could get through school quicker. Basically, he would go to boot camp for two months, come home for a couple of weeks, go to school for nine weeks and then ship off to Iraq for 8 months! Ummm....hello.....I don't even know how I am going to make it for two months! I can't imagine going almost a year without seeing him! He, of course, turned it down for now and said he would consider it next year. (Yikes!) The reality of all of this is ......... there is ALWAYS a possibility of him having to go.......not just on a volunteer basis but because they make him. That will always weigh heavy in the back of my mind. I just have to remember that this is what he wants to do and I am VERY proud of him. It seems scary but I have to compare it to this.....would you really go to medical school and then never even practice medicine or deal with patients? More than likely you wouldn't so what he wants to do is protect his country so why get a job doing that and worry the whole time that you might actually have to do it?

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Relationships 101

I have had a "gloomy" disposition lately. I have had alot going on and have had a few other people in my life that have had to deal with some of the same things. In saying that....I have done alot of reading and this is one of the things I came across that really hit home for me in more ways that one.

In small doses, competition can motivate you to achieve more. Constantly comparing career successes, wardrobes, bank accounts or your love lives can wear down your self-esteem and you relationship with a friend or family member. Competition becomes unhealthy when it makes up feel bad about yourself. One of the main ingredients in a positive relationship is that BOTH people feel that they can be themselves and don't have to impress each other. People tend to harbor an irrational belief that there's only so much good stuff to go around. The root of the problem is not yours or their good luck it is yours/their own flagging sense of self-esteem.

"People who try to beat others all the time are attempting to bolster their self image." says psychologist Tina Tessina.

If you are the competitive party:
* Think Before You Speak: Catch yourself before you say something that might hurt someone
*Acknowledge Your Issues: Take a look on the inside of yourself.
*Don't Beat Yourself Up

If you are on the receiving end:
*Talk to him/her: Create some distance; He/She may sense something is amiss and look at his/her own behavior at what is causing the distance between the two of you.
*Avoid His/Her Triggers
*Know When To Let Go: If the problem is excessive, you have to consider whether this is someone you can have a "relationship" with.

***Some so called relationships are not worth the abuse move on with no regrets.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004


My dear sweet husband is leaving in two weeks to go to USCG boot camp. Those who know me KNOW I will be a sobbing little baby! I don't know what I will do without my sweetheart for two whole months! I won't even get to hear his voice until the 5th week! BOOHOO!

Various people have had some questions about boot camp and what all it consists of. I am posting this site so you can check out what exactly Brian will be doing the next couple of months.

For the family and friends of Brian....several people have asked me about writing to him while he is gone. Since it takes so long to get mail and since he won't have time to respond to everyone individually we decided it would be best if you would send me the letter and I will send it to him when I send mine. I am SURE I will be sending him a letter AT LEAST once a week! *wink* Also, I will be updating via this website with any new information, letters or phone calls I get from Brian while he is gone!

Friday, March 05, 2004

ABC's of Tiffany

A - Always on the go!
B - Beautiful Daughter - Baylee!
C - Cares for Others
D - it!
E - Easily amused!
F - Friendly - too friendly sometimes...
G - GREAT husband named Brian!
H - Hunter is one of my brothers.
I - Ivey is my maiden name.
J - Justin is my other brother!
K - Know ALOT of people
L - Love Julia Roberts movies!
M - Mary Higgins Clark - love her books.
N - Not TOO Nosey! *wink*
O - Oceans ...... I think they are beautiful.
P - Practical
Q - Quiet...okay...well NEVER!
R - Ready for fun.
S - Savoir is Jesus Christ.
T - Trustworthy.
U - UNCONDITIONAL love for my family.
V- Very crazy dogs Tyson & Storm.
W - Willing to admit when I am wrong.
X - "X" 'cited about life! :)
Y - Yogurt & Ice Cream are my favorite!
Z - 'Zats all folks!!!!