This morning on the radio I heard them talking about pepsi & coca cola signing an agreement to take all regular pepsi & coke out of the vending machines (leaving water, diet drinks, etc.). I am not sure if this is just in Mississippi or if it is nationwide. They had callers telling their opinion of this and most of them agreed with it. I, as a mom, agree with it for more than one reason. One of which is that childhood obesity is at a staggering high. Not to mention that the sugar in these (and other drinks) is horrible for your teeth! So I will say that I am very impressed with this. I think that they are following the trends that even McDonald's and Wendy's have begun following. They even offer you children a choice of milk & fruit cup instead of coke & fries. I think it is a great idea.
We began this week working out in our household! (Lord help me!) My daughter (who is 8) stays in the childcare center while we workout. Afterwards, as a family we all walk/job a short distance. I think it is a good time to start getting her used to the idea of exercise.
What do you think about the Pepsi/Coca Cola in schools?
Do your children "exercise" or do you have any tips that I could use to get my daughter to enjoy exercise more?
I would love to hear about them!
I think the whole coke thing is great! I completely agree that it's the right thing to do.
This is something long over due! Course those that want it will get it! I so need to get back to the gem...
I think that the schools need to assist our children in making healthy choices since they have our children for the majority of the day. What we teach at home all goes to crap once they see the Coke/Pepsi (since this was used as the example) at school. So, yes. I agree.
My daughter exercises with me. She sees me having a blast and she immediately has to be a part of it. I do Cardio dance at home which is awesome fun. She loves walks and riding her tricycle, too, so I let her do whatever. We play interactive sports, too, like Frisbee and basketball. She gets the most exercise, and that's okay. I can make up mine after she goes to bed. I am getting my daughter out and moving and I have an awesome time with her.
I think it's a good thing that they're taking the vending machines out of the schools but I think they should be replaced with juice machines. They removed the machines from our school a couple of years ago,,which was fine,,but then the dumb asses took away the elementary recesses and supposedly are supposed to be giving them a hour PE class 3 times a week. For the past two years it's only been once a week which is like keeping them caged!
I am in 100% agreement about taking Coke out of school.
I don't drink soda. Period. There's just nothing about soda that's good for you!!!
I think given the rise in obesity and inactivity change is overdue! The middle school (my eldest went to this past year and my middle child will be attending next year) does not have pop or fries. The do have a 'snack shack' that sells milk, juices and other snacks lower in fat & sugars. Too... this school has some form of physical activity EVERY day for all classes. The days they have not got gym they have some other activities for the kids. It has been great for my eldest. I have too been encouraging and providing more oppertunity for evening exercise for my family taking the boys 2-3 nights a week to exercise at a fitness center when they are not in extra-curricular activities (they swim, or go play floor hockey or basketball or badminton).
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