Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tiff's 11/28/06

Sound I have decided I am working really hard to make each day be seperate (except for Sat & Sun - I haven't decided if I will do those seperate or together). So in saying that here is my post from yesterday 11/28/06.

I BLEW it. Baylee and I weren't feeling well yesterday and stayed home. Needless to say, I ate everything I could get my hands on. I could lie about what I ate but the purpose of this is to be honest and to help me understand why I am FAT! This is why:

I ate:

3 pieces of ham w/cheese
2 frozen burritos
Pop-tarts - lost count 2, 3, 4 or 5 WHO KNOWS!
Cheese sticks from sonic
Tots from Sonic with Chili and Cheese
6 or so onion rings from sonic
20 oz Dr. Pepper
1 Red Pop Faygo drinks
2 cups of milk
1/2 of a Peach Faygo drink

OH MY!!! I mean that is THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of calories!!!


THAT is why I am fat. When I am stressed, bored and ESPECIALLY sitting at home I EAT EAT EAT like a little (or rather large) pig. I don't understand! I mean it was like I couldn't stop! This is why I need help from some kind of pill. That is about the only thing I can do to make myself stop eating!!! In high school I had gained some weight and took a diet pill for about a month and after that I pretty much kept what I ate down to a minimum. (I guess after my stomach shrank down.) Anyway, I have GOT to do better. I am SO glad I have this to be able to put all of this down in writing so I can't say, "I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't eat that much!!" UGH!

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