Monday, June 18, 2007

Playing Catch Up!

Hope everyone is doing well!! Things in my life have been a little crazy lately but I thought I would catch everyone up!!

Brian left to go to Cuba. He won't be home until sometime later in the year. That is what we have been told so as long as things go well he will be back by then! We (Baylee and I) are doing okay for now. We have our moments but all and all we are fine. I guess when you are faced with something you just can't change you have to work with it and move on! Plus, it helps that we are always so busy!! He works 12 hour days so I know he is so tired after working he probably doesn't have time to miss us much! Then on his days off they have stuff to keep them busy (bowling, movies, snorkeling, softball). I do hear from him every couple of days.

In the process I have cleaned out closets and gotten rid of SO much junk! I am telling you we had SOOOO much stuff that I was like, "Why did I even keep this?" I still have a ways to go but I really have made a big dent. I feel so much better knowing things are more organized! It helps me feel more organized all together...even at work!

I joined the local YMCA again! I have GOT to get this extra weight off of me! So many people I know have died (even in their 30's) from heart attacks and I don't want to be one! So I joined the gym and changed my work hours around so myself and a couple of the ladies form work take a longer lunch and go during our lunch hour. I am feeling better already and I just started last Thursday!

My mini-schnauzer Storm was just diaganosed with heart worms. For those of you that are animal lovers you know your animals are like another member of your family. They think we caught it early on so he goes for his first treatment on Wednesday. I don't know what I would do if he didn't make it! Especially while Brian is gone...I know it would really upset him and it would be that much more loss for Baylee right now. I know they can't live forever but this would be a REALLY bad time for something to happen. Plus, he is only 6 years old. So please pray he pulls through!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

~The Hubby's Deployment~

Well if you have wondered where I have been...lets just say things have been crazy. I saw they hubby off to Cuba, made some great friends and shed alot of tears! He will be missed and I will be praying for him everyday! Please remember to think about and pray for our ENTIRE military and their families...their sacrifices for our freedom is HUGE!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

A Quick Vent From The Church Member In Me

I just have to vent mom was planning on joining the Church I attend. She won't tell me who but when she mentioned it to another member of the Church apparantely the member had a bad attitude about it. The Church itself is an AWESOME Church and I can only imagine that this particular member whomever she may be must have something against my mom or the devil was working through her. I have noticed something about Churchs though...especially small ones...all to often you do have that group of people that don't want change. You also have the ones that would rather complain about something than do something positive about it. What really got me is now my parents and brother - whom I was really looking forward to joining our Church - have now decided because of what one person said to them not to join the Church. I know not everyone is a Church goer and not everyone can relate but just imagine this was a really important club or organization that you were in and the whole point was to bring people together and do all of the positive things...wouldn't it be wrong for a member of "said organization" to go completely agains what the whole organization is about??


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Stop This Ride...I want OOOOFFFF!!!

This morning I compared my life to being locked in the back seat of a car and someone throwing a brick on the gas pedal...and off I go! It seems it has been this way for months. As I said in my previous post my husband's grandfather passed away about 7 weeks ago...Monday night his grandmother passed away. I am torn in my feelings about this. I just keep thinking she is in such a better place but yet I know how much she will be missed here. The only thing that gives me reassurance is she told us last Sunday, "I am in a win/win situation. Either the cancer will be healed or I will be going to heaven to be with Granddaddy."

I am ready for things in my life to start slowing down...and I know it will. I know God never gives us more than we can handle and I am just trying to hold my head high!

We all have our hard times and I know that we will all make it through!

Friday, April 20, 2007


I have been feeling kind of bad lately...migranes, dizziness, etc. I decided to break down and go to the doctor and check this out. In the process of doing this he told me I have Thyroid problems. His nurse was telling me that after my medicine gets in my system that it really may help my weight loss right along! So here I am again saying I am ONCE AGAIN going to try to lose weight! I figure that maybe JUST MAYBE if I can attempt to eat right, drink water and exercise along with taking my new meds that I will able FINALLY to shed some of this weight! I will keep you updated!!

Life Happens

I know I always come back and PROMISE I will be up and blogging again. I decided this promises! We have been busy and well...times have been hard but things will eventually slow down...I suppose anyway. My cuz and one of my best friends Traci and a friend of mine that recently started a blog Holly...made me want to get back into blogging again. I had started using "My Space" last year...but not really doing alot of blogging. That took up alot of my time but I am kind of over it. I will keep up with alot of people there and check in occasionally but not as often as I had before. All in all ... i miss my blogging time here. I miss my blog friends!!

I am again going to copy something from Traci...I am just going to list what all has happened to me since...well November. I can elaborate on more if you like and I am sure I will eventually but for now I am just playing catch up!

  • Thanksgiving - my whole family on my dad's side came to visit and all of us for the most part spent the whole week at my grandmothers. We decided to make this a new tradition. It was so nice...I saw people I haven't seen in years...most importantly my dad! It was so nice...we have a good relationship (in my opinion) it is like we can just pick up where we left off and there is not real akwardness...I was a daddy's girl for sure! :-)
  • Christmas - this was kind of a blur to me! We have so much family that it is hard to keep up!! WHEW! All in all it went very well!!
  • Baylee had her whole cheerleading team over to the house for a slumber party and they had a blast! Those girls crack me up!
  • I got rear-ended on the way to work...the next week my husband got rear-ended on the way to work!
  • My husbands grandfather (he was very close to him) got very sick after Christmas and on March 1st went to Heaven.
  • A few weeks after this my husband's brother was in a 4-wheeler accident and remains in the hospital today. He is much better than he was but it will take lots of therapy to get back to normal.
  • My husbands grandmother (that was married to the grandfather that passed away) is now in the hospital fighting cancer.
  • I learned how to say "no more" and walk away.
  • I learned that I am stronger than I thought I was.
  • I learned you can be nice to someone without them taking away your sense of self worth.
  • My washing machine broke.
  • My fuel pump went out but now it is fixed! Yeah!
  • I am coaching Baylee's softball team and loving it!
  • She decided she hates gymnastics and never wants to go back...fine by me.
  • Side note to above...I usually don't let her quit things but I didn't feel she was learning anything especially considering what we were she really did cry everytime I took her because she hated it...even though she misses her friends that go there.
  • I am on the planning committe for my 10 year reunion - I am so excited to see everyone!!
  • This is the sad hubby and my best friends hubby will both be deployed this year. We don't know exactly when they will leave but sometime between now and the end of summer...keep them in your thoughts and prayers!!!

So that is all for now...well I am sure there is more but that is all I have time for anyway. I will try to keep update more...but no promises!! Talk to you soon!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

1/4 cup walnuts - 184
yogurt -90
cheese stick - 60
1/8 cup dried cherries - 70

Monday, February 26, 2007

7 No brainers to losing weight....

Listed below are 7 things guaranteed to help you lose weight. They are things we have heard before, but I think it's good to remind ourselves of how easy losing weight can actually be. I printed this off and taped it on my kitchen cabinet. Why not the fridge? Because it would get lost among the calendar, appt cards and Brayden art. On the cabinet, it's sure to stand out every day. I got these tips from They have other great life changing tips too.

1. Drink Ice cold water - Okay I know you already know this and you probably already know ice cold water makes your body burn fat to heat the ice cold water back up to body temp, but I keep saying drink water because… A lot of people still don’t drink enough water. If you want to lose weight fast… Stop wasting your money on ugly fat-weight gainers like coffee, soda, and juices and pick up a FREE magical weight loss drink called water

2. Eat Peppered beef jerky - I can’t explain any science behind this one, but every time I eat peppered beef jerky I seem to shred a little fat and I think this is due to the spices they put in the beef jerky and some studies show that spicy foods increase your metabolism and there’s also enough protein in beef jerky to help curb your appetite

3. Kill your cravings - Eating lots of protein (nuts, jerky, fish, and chicken) raw veggies and water will kill your appetite. I promise you the sooner you get used to eating raw veggies you will stop craving for all the junk foods that made you fat in the first place.

4. Drink green tea - Hate drinking water all the time? Then sip on some green tea to increase your metabolism to burn more fat.

5. Limit carbs - This is really an emergency weight loss trick. If you stop eating carbs (or limit your carbs) you can lose 5 lbs or more real quick by burning up all the stored carbs in your body. You have about 1 pound of carbs stored in your body and each pound stored in your body has 3-4 lbs of water attached to it. So if you burn up the stored carbs in your body… The 5 lbs of water will burn up with it

6. Do something in the morning – Wake up and break a sweat for 30min in the morning. I know you hate to exercise but if you do it first thing in the morning guess what… Your body will ONLY BURN FAT because since you haven’t eaten anything yet… Your body has no choice but to feed off the stored FAT in your body for energy.

7. Walk for 10 minutes after you eat – Your body burns calories to digest the food you eat and if you walk for 10 minutes after you eat you will increase the amount of calories you burn during digestion and get his… If you eat three times a day you will easily get the 30 minutes of activity you need to lose weight (3 meals x 10 minute walks after each meal).

30 Day Goal

Every year, Bobby and myself join about 30 other people and go on a 2 day canoe/camping trip. Well, we are a lttile more than 30 days away from the event and I'm light years away from my desired weight. I've done really good this week, but I admit I could have done better. I'm going back to counting calories. It's really the only thing that has truly given me quick results. My goal is to lose 15 lbs by March 30th. Ok, so I know that's a little agressive... but I know I can do it if I just put everything I have into it. I weighed in at a whopping 231 this morning. I've got to, got to, got to, got to do this!!! I'll be posting my intake again as well. So wish me I go again.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ok, so I did great last week!! I stayed on plan, I worked out 3 nights of the 5 and then the weekend happened! WHY... can't I stay on plan on the weekend? The answer is that I still have crap in my house. I keep saying I'm going to clean out the pantry and get rid of everything that has enriched flour, sugar equalling more than 4g per serving, or any trans fat. Basically that means I need to completely empty it. I just can't bear to throw it all away. I would donate it to a food bank, but most of it has been opened. Well, I've decided that I'm just going to have to suck it up and get rid of it all. At least before next weekend. If I only have healthy stuff, then I'll only eat healthy stuff. I think I will even have to get rid of my flour. Otherwise I'm very tempted to bake. I bake cookies almost every weekend and this weekend was no exception. At least I had the sense to send the leftovers with Bobby this morning. I actually weighed last Wednesday and it said 227, well after this weekend it was back up to 229 this morning. It kills be to say 229 when I know just 3 months ago I was 13 lbs lighter. It makes me nauseous!

Back on the wagon today...