Tuesday, February 24, 2009

SlimQuick Cleanse: The Beginning

Well as you may have seen from previous post I am very ready to get healthy and lose some weight! I have slacked off for about 3 weeks now but time to get back on the wagon! A friend at work and myself are starting the SlimQuick Cleanse today. I will report back on how it works. I don't take the first dose until right before lunch. Thus far, I have had breakfast, taken my vitamin and had 2 glasses of water. For me having the 2 glasses of water is a HUGE step due to the fact most days I don't even drink water!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

UPDATE: Prayer Request for Mom

UPDATE: My mom had her stress test yesterday. Thus far, no significant news. Just a scare or eye opener for us all. We are supposed to start next month taking a heart healthy class given by a nutritionist next month at St. Dominics. I am sure I will be back writing about that! Ha!!Thank you everyone for all of the prayers!!!

Sweet Little Heart...

...even though she was sarcastic at school. :-) I shared the bad so I thought I would share a good. I really think there should be a good balance! Ha! Brian and I were both out of town last weekend for Valentines day. Baylee stayed with her mamaw Sally. Mamaw Sally, my mom and myself all go to the same church. They had a Valentines dinner on Saturday night. While there my mom gave Baylee a Valetines card with $5.00 in it. The next morning at Church Baylee put part of her money in the offering plate and then gave part to my mom. She walked up to her and said, "Nana, I want you to send this to those little kids that don't have any food." See my mom (Nana) has a box at her house and everytime we go over Baylee puts extra change/cash in it. When my mom has a certain amount she sends it to the poor.

We have really tried to teach Baylee that everything isn't always about making yourself happy...that you can simply make yourself happy by helping others. I am so proud of her because this is something that she has picked up so well!

It is funny that the little things make you feel so good......a hug, a smile, a kind word, holding a door open or any small gesture of kindness.

I am glad that Baylee learned so well because I can learn (or be reminded) simply by watching her. I am very bless to have such a sweet daughter. :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sarcasm in School...

......isn't always the best policy! Even when you ARE just playing around and not trying to be rude. I asked yesterday how she did in school yesterday and she said I got an "R" for rudness. I asked her "Fooorrrr whhhattt???". The story goes a little something like this...

Substitute Teacher: “Baylee”

Baylee: “That’s my name. You got questions and I got answers.”

So this officially makes me a bad mom because I couldn't help but laugh. I called Brian and told him and he laughed harder than I did! She said mom I wasn't trying to be rude I was just letting her know I knew the answers. LOL!

We don't know WHERE in the WORLD she gets it from...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Short N' Sweet...

Nothing real important to report right now. Maybe because it is 6:30 in the morning and I am too tired to think! Anyway, maybe I will think of something later?? HA!!! Just wanted to stop in and let everyone know that all is well in the Garrett househould. Just super busy as always!


Sunday, February 15, 2009


That is the response I get from everyone when they hear that I am going to be an Ombudsman! Ha! I will actually be a co-ombudsman with another wife in my husband's unit. She is one of the sweetest people I know. Her family is so precious to me and her husband help my husband...for lack of a better phrase...change his life! In turn it has helped us changes ours. We are totally different in our relationship than we have ever been and much thanks to this family!! In saying that I am very honored to co-ombudsman with her! :-) I went to a training class in Portsmouth, VA. I met some very nice people...which I am sure will be lifelong coastie friends! I learned SOOOO much. I need to sit down and write it all down before I forget. While there I got to visit with a good friend and see some pretty cool stuff...that will be another post. For those that still don't know....

An Ombudsman serves as a link between a Coast Guard command and the families of the command. An Ombudsman can assist families in locating resources, communicate information from the command to the families, and take concerns of families to the command.

:-) Later!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Prayer Request!!

For anyone that may read this:

I have been out of the office this morning b/c my mom had to go to the hospital last night. She was feeling real “down”, left arm pain, chest pain, face pain, etc. They took her to St. Dominic’s and her blood pressure was very high. It took them all night to get it down. They have taken EKG’s, blood work, etc. They still have more tests to run this afternoon. They said all her symptoms were those of a heart attack and are watching her close. They said with the test it will be one way or the other…if they see something they will do surgery immediately; otherwise, it may have been stressed induced and she hopefully will be able to go home. In less than a year she has lost her mom, had major neck surgery, husband lost his job and just the normal stresses of a working mom/wife. (I still have a 14 year old brother that lives at home.) Please be in prayer for her that perhaps this was just stressed induced and not anything serious. Also, please pray if it is stressed induced that she will be able to get some relief soon.Also, Brian is at the coast this week and I will be leaving to go out of town. I always get nervous when we leave Baylee. I know she is going to be perfectly fine and is in the best hands but…hey…I am a mom. That is what we do…worry!! I will be flying out Thursday morning and coming back Saturday night. (Unless things change w/my mom.) Please say prayers for safe travel.I have a lot to do here at work and at home before I leave so I am not sure how much I will be around a computer/phone so if I don’t respond to emails/calls just leave me a message and I will get back to you tonight/in the morning!!! Love to all! Thank you,

Friday, January 09, 2009


...yup that is how I am feeling...kind of bouncy. This week has been SUPER busy but it has been really good. Work has gone great. I have been worried because as paralegals we have to meet a certain amount of hours each year. It has started out well. I guess that is all for now!! My post have been short and sweet lately but I am just trying to put SOMETHING on here. It really relieves alot of stress to blog...not matter how small!!!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

January Rears Its Ugly Head!

Hello everyone!! Well it is 2009 and Obama is president...whooda thunk it! Ha!!

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!! Ours was great. Very busy. We ended up celebrating 10 times. It seemed crazy in the midst of it but before we knew it all the celebrations were over...and it almost seemed too soon!!

The year started out pretty good for us so far...but I guess I should speak too soon...it is only the 7th! Baylee just got back from Knoxville. She had to get right back into school and a book project...already!! She has been a trooper about it all. Much better than I have. Getting back into the swing of things and a normal schedule at work has been pretty tough. I am hanging in there though!! As for Brian, the same as usual...hunting, working on this and that, working at Yamaha, Coast Guard and getting ready to take his EMT national registry test. He leaves next week to go to New Mexico for a week. Then he turns around in February and goes to the Coast for a week. Us girls are gonna miss him...but at least it is better than the 8 months he was away the year he went to Cuba!!

Well I guess that is all for now! Happy New Year Everyone!

Love to all!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Baylee Tales

Baylee went to Knoxville with her grandparents this past week and this is a conversation she had with her great-uncle:

Uncle: (Points to a castle in Gatlinburg) and says "That's where they rescue princesses like you from."

Baylee replies: "I don't want to be rescued, I want to slay the dragon!"

I guess she gets that from Brian. LOL!!!!!!!!!

Family Meeting - January

I have decided beginning this year we will have monthly family meetings. We had our first official family meeting last night. It was interesting. We all listed our goals of things we want to achieve (big & small) throughout the next year. We also talked about things that each of us would like for the others to do more/less of. It was kind of neat to see every ones thoughts and be able to talk without anyone getting their feelings hurt. We also discussed our vacation plans for the year. Brian had me print off the list so we can put it on the fridge and see what we have/haven't done. Then each month we will strike through the things we have done or add things to the list. I am interested to see how things change month to month.

Two of the thing we decided to do are family game night and family learning night. Family game night we have done before but we have decided to do it again. One night every other week. We will eat, clean, homework, etc. as usual but in lieu of watching t.v. we will play a game!

The newest thing we are adding is family learning night. We are going to have one night every other week where we all get together and discuss something new about our "learning" subject. We have all expressed the desire to learn to speak Spanish. So we are going to learn to do that ALONG with learning historical information and cultures of the different countries that speak Spanish and where they are located on the map. Once every couple of months we are going to cook a meal as a family that is dedicated to countries we have learned about. We are also going to try to use the Spanish words we learn in place of their English counterpart when conversing at home in order to become more fluent. I see a vacation to Spain in our near future! Ha!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Life Is So Short

I have been sad since I heard about John Travolta's son dying today...all from hitting his head on the bathtub. I am so sad for his family!! I guess this really gets to me this week because Baylee is gone with her grandparents to Knoxville and I have missed her so much and worried about her. She is in great hands but just like this situation...you never know what can happen. Anyway, just had to post this and get it off my chest. :-(

Weight Loss Journey!

Well I am beginning weight loss journey. Yesterday I created a chart to help me keep up with my calories, etc. I went ahead and ate as usal yesterday. I really didn't think it was that bad b/c I really didn't eat alot...but the calorie intake...INSANE! I just ate three basic meals and a snack. I didn't even eat alot at the meals...no more than the regular serving. All of that being said...here it is..*gulp*..I ate OVER 3300 calories yesterday!!!!! YYIIKKEESS!!! I am just in shock. I really don't eat that much but this just goes to prove it is WHAT I eat that is so bad! It is aggravating b/c I know others that eat so much more. I just have to learn that MY body is different and I have to work hard to get it back to where it needs to be!! So here is my "before" picture:

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

TTC #2

Well it is that time again!! Brian and I have one beautiful daughter - Baylee - she will be *gulp* 11 years old in April!! In the last 9+ years we haven't "prevented" pregnancy but we haven't exactly been trying either. Last year when Brian returned from deployment we decided (finally we were on the same page!) to ttc #2. We tried for several months until my grandmother passed away. We slacked off some for a few months and around the time we started back found out my SIL was pregnant. She is in her late 30's and being her first child I talked to my husband and we decided to wait until the first of the year tomorrow before we start ttc again. This gives her time to experience her first pregnancy without being compared to others. Also, my first pregnancy was hard as I didn't get to experience it with my "husband". My first husband was killed in a car wreck while I was pregnant with Baylee. My husband (now) adores Baylee and is in the process of adopting her. She adores him and knows she has one daddy in heaven and one on earth. After all, we have been together since she was 15 months old and he is the only daddy she has ever known. So back to the story - not only to give her time to enjoy her pregnancy but the same for us. This will be the first pregnancy that I would be able to share with someone and actually been my husbands first pregnancy to go through as well.

So - starting tomorrow Jan. 1st - we are back in the ttc challenge! Yes I DO mean challenge! Ha! I have always been irregular and was told by doctors that they were surprised I was even able to conceive Baylee. A couple of weeks ago I had a doctor's appointment that was very discouraging. Basically, I was told that they did not think I could conceive any more children. Some of it may be my weight but most of it is the fact that I have always had issued even when I was a size 5! Brian and I decided - doctors are NOT God. We are going to start this year out right. Getting in shape, bbt, vitamins, etc. Then we will go from there! We are going to try for about 6 months and after that point we will talk again and decide if we want to continue to try. Alot of it has to do with our kiddos will already be 11/12 years apart and we really don't want them to be any further in age.

More later...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost 2009

I for one cannot believe it is 2009 already (Well in a few days anyway)!! Yup...it is that time again...New Years Resolutions!! I can't say right off the top of my head that I have any. I have a lot of things I have been wanting to try to do and have already started to do. Just the usual:

* Lose Weight (Duh!)
* Organize my home & office (Already started!)
* Start our weekly family game night again
* Be more focused at work
* Stay in contact with my family and friends better

Like I said...just the usual. I don't know...maybe it will work, maybe it won't but I am trying anyway!!!


Today Baylee left with her grandparents to go to Knoxville. I always dread her traveling so far away form me but I know she is in good hands. She will have a good time. She is going up to visit her great-grandfather and great-uncle. They are sweet and I wish I was going with her! :-) Though, I really don't have any time to take off of work. I enjoy that area of Tennessee so much. Brian and I went up and stayed in a cabin in the mountains with our very OWN indoor pool...right in the middle of the cabin. It was so nice and relaxing. A good time to relax, meditate, reflect, pray, etc.


Brian has been working on his "baby" in our garage. I am SO ready for him to get finished with this truck but I really think there is FINALLY a light at the end of the tunnel!! For a birthday gift his dad has helped purchase over half of the things that he needs to get it going. He really is almost done with it and I am SOOOO glad. This truck has been an eye sore for 6 years now! I love him and even though that truck is SO ugly to me right now (and will be for sometime) it is his baby! Well as long as he is happy....and we don't have a car note....well then I am happy!

More Later...

Sunday, November 30, 2008


...about a friend of mine. I love her dearly but for some strange reason...just out of nowhere she stopped talking to me - I will refer to her as "new" friend. I have no idea why. She will talk occasionally but it is very short and sweet and USUALLY only when I contact her first. See I introduced her to my best friend - which I will refer to now as "first" friend. I just know they both need someone else other than me because I think friendships are important. For awhile all was fine but then just one day...nothing. Now my first and I still talk and hang out all the time. I thought well maybe new friend just had a lot going on (and the truth is the poor thing does! I don't know how she does it!). Yet, I find out that she IS talking to my first. I think this is great! I WANT them to be friends with others but I just don't understand why she ISN'T talking to me but she IS talking to others. I don't expect my friends to put me first over their other friends but I would like some sort of response. If I call, message and text and never hear from you then I am going to assume it is something I have done. I have asked and asked but she just keeps saying she is busy BUT not too busy to talk to my first but she IS too busy to talk to me? I don't get it and I KNOW there has to be a reason. Either you are mad, hurt or for whatever reason just have falling out of friendship feelings with me? I will be so sad either way but I would much rather someone just be honest and tell me what is up...even if things never change...than to make me wonder. I don't want her to think I am abandoning her either. I guess I am just going to be here if she needs me. I may wait until after the holidays and invite her to do something just the two of us and leave the ball in her court...that would give me my answer. I will always be here if she needs me but I can't keep chasing my tail in this friendship. :-(

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Can I Get That Light For You?

Okay this is kind of silly. I am just sitting at work and I heard someone ask someone else...who is sitting in an office with floor to ceiling windows...do you want me to turn on that light for you? Well they have worked like that all day and I am SURE they know that there is a light in their office. Sometimes..headaches or for other reasons we just don't want the light on...AND THAT IS OKAY! As for me...I am definitely a NO light girl...or a natural light girl. Unless I really just can't see what I am doing you will never catch a light on in my house during the daytime hardley b/c I keep my windows open! I say all this to say...sometimes we just don't like the light. I know there are others that like every light in the house on...and that is okay, too. Just leave us "no florescent light" girls alone! LOL! :-)

Monday, June 09, 2008

Knowing Right from Wrong....

...but I still "emotionally" ride the fence. I have the "blahs" right now and I hope when I go to bed and wake up...AND THROUGH PRAYER...that the blahs are gone tomorrow. I dealt with a situation today that was rough. I was in a situation where I had to tell the truth and telling the truth is ALWAYS the right thing to do. I know I did the right thing and I know the outcome was right deep down in my heart and soul. I know what happen WAS God's will and through prayer it was a great thing. I just feel bad...as a Christian...for the other person that was adversly affected. What happend to the other person as a result of what they did they deserved. I just emotionally feel sad for the other person. They are lost and can't even see the wrong of their ways. I just hate the knot I have in my stomach right now.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I Got The "Go Go" In My Blood...

I don't know what my problem has been lately. I have just been in the mood to GO. Not so much go but just feel I don't know...adventurous...lets see what that means:

1. inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures.
2.full of risk; requiring courage; hazardous: an adventurous undertaking.

Yes that most definitely could be me. I don't know why I feel this way. I love my home. I love all my friends and family being close by. I love...okay like...my job most of the time. (Though I would love to go back to nursing school). I just have been in the mood to go! I almost want to move to another city...try out new things...etc. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing or if anyone of the people that might actually come by and read this has ever felt this way. I just want to GO. Seriously, if someone offered me the opportunity to pack up and move to a new city right now I would go. I just hate feeling this way because I feel like I am wishing my life away. It has gotten real bad though. Just today I found myself on the way home listening to the weather and news reports of OTHER cities in OTHER states on my XM radio...what is that all about?

All I can figure is it is summer. I am ready for vacation and maybe by the time I get home the "Go Go" feeling will be gone....hhhmmm.

...Lost & Found...

Yes I have been away for awhile now...almost a year! I missed it! No excuses as to why I haven't been around and there will be no promises about how often I will be here! HA! All I know is I am back for now! Stay tuned! :-)