Showing posts with label Traci 2006. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traci 2006. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dear Diary...

Ok, so I got all motivated yet again and that lasted for about 2 days. It’s time to get with and stick with the program….once and for all!!! When I first started counting calories back in December, I stuck with it. Not a day went by that I was over 1300 calories. I’ve thought about what was different now from then and the ONLY thing that I was doing differently was blogging about it. I was writing about my progress everyday and I wanted the whole cyber world to know how I was doing. However, let’s face it we weren’t winning any blog awards or getting 100 hits a day. It was just me and Tiff. Looking back, I realized the blogging was really more for my own reading than anything. At that time, I felt like it was a waste of time to be blogging my progress because no one was reading it. But then again, do I really care if a bunch of strangers know how I’m doing? No, not really. So, I’m back. I’m blogging for the whole world of me to read. It keeps me on track. I would refer to this site as being more of a diary or journal than it is a blog. However anyone that wants the key to it, can have it and read it without the guilt that goes along with snooping into someone else’s private little world. I guess in the back recesses of my mind, I would hope that some other overweight, overwhelmed mom would stumble upon it and feel inspired to get up off of her own lazy butt and take control of her life. Regardless of that though, this mom is going to do exactly that and who cares if anyone else knows about it or gives me praise for it. So, for all of you out there that aren’t reading this or don’t even know it exist, get ready because I am back on the wagon and I’m not looking back.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Counting Calories

Tiffany asked me to share some of my calorie counting tips, so here ya go...

To begin, I'm shooting for 1200-1300 calories during the week and 1500 on the weekends.

I started by deciding a calorie range for my 5 meal times. This way if it's dinner time and I don't know my current calorie total for the day, I still know about what range I need to keep it in.
Breakfast - 200
Lunch - 400
Snack - 100
Dinner - 400-500
Snack - 100
(I add 200 calories to either lunch or dinner on the weekends)
If I only eat 150 at breakfast, then I'll keep that in mind for the rest of the day that I can do an additional 50 at one of my meals. Vice Versa, if I go over by 50, I know that I have to cut one meal by 50.

I keep notes of what I eat on the computer, because I'm just not good at writing things down and keeping up with it. I try to keep a running total in my head for the day though. To make this easier, I round calories up or down to the nearest 10th. So if breakfast was 283, I would round down to 280. It's just easier to remember a whole number.

When I cook something, I take the time to literally write down the calories of every ingredient I use in each dish. It's actually kind of fun to see how much is actually in the whole dish. Once I have my total, I will keep dividing the total by a number until the calories get into my range. That tells me how many servings the dish is. I then visually divide the dish into that many servings to decide how much I can eat. For instance my baked spaghetti dish has 3690. If I divide it by 9 then a serving is 410 calories and that leaves 90 calories for my salad. So, then I visually divide it up into 9 servings (sometimes I will actually draw a line through the food with my utensil) If I was just having the spaghetti then I would divide by 8 and have a 461 calorie serving. It sounds kind of time consuming but it's really not. Also, if an ingredient doesn't have calorie content on the package, for instance veggies or fresh meat, I use Calorie King to get my calorie info.

We eat out about twice a week for dinner and I usually go out at lunch to pick something up. The first thing I did when I started counting was to go to the website of the restaurants that we go to frequently. Most of them offer nutritional content online. I went through the menus and found things that fall between my ranges; give or take a little. I then made a list of just those items and I keep it in my car. So if I decide to go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch, I can just glance at the list and decide what I want. I don't have to ask for nutritional info when I get there or look it up before I go. Also if we are going out to a restaurant where the menus are brought to your table. I don't even pick up my menu, because thanks to my handy list, I've already decided what I want. It also helps me not to be tempted by the "bad" things on the menu. Of course we do go to a restaurant every now and then that I don't have on my list. Hopefully they have calorie content on the menu, if not I use what I know and make my best attempt at ordering healthy and then I look up those foods when I get home. My last restaurant tip is one of my faves. If you want to indulge a bit and get something on the menu that is way over your range, go for it but ask to have half of it put in a to-go container before the food is even brought out. You'll be glad you did come lunchtime tomorrow when you get to dine on your favorite food for the second day in a row!! Overtime I have learned what I can have and really don't have to rely on the list anymore, but it's good to have around.

I don't deprive myself from something I really want when counting calories. If I am really craving something that's high in calories, I eat it. I just count it in my calories. So, if it's worth it to kill an extra 300 calories at lunch, that's fine, I just have to cut it somewhere else. Most times, I will only eat half of whatever my craving is. For instance if it's 2:30 and a Snickers bar screams my name when I walk by the vending machine, I may get it and only eat half. So of my 100 calories allowed at my afternoon snack, I went over by 40. So I just have to cut them at snack time tonight or at dinner. If I decide to eat the whole thing, then I have to cut 180 somewhere else.

For me, counting calories isn't about dieting and only eating veggies and fruit. I can eat whatever I want, but within reason. It's about being very conscious of everything I put in my mouth.

There is one downside. Your husband will get sick and tired of you being able to ramble off the calorie content of everything he eats as well. I guess a Large Dairy Queen Reese's Blizzard isn't as good when you've just learned that it's got a total of 1011 calories in it! Fortunately, he and his 2% body fat can handle it.

Monday Stats - Traci

B - South Beach High Protein Cereal Bar - 140
L - Arby's Grilled Chicken Sante Fe Salad, 1/2 pkg dressing, 1/2 pkg tortilla strips - 491
D - 2 Homemade Corn Dogs - 420, 13 tostitos - 160, dipping sauce - 50 = 1261

Total Calories - 1261
Total Water - 58
Total Exercise - none


I'm trying again as well. Today is day one of "try" number 3,285!

I'm going back to counting calories. I'm going to start posting them again too. As silly as it may seem, when I was posting them I did much better. I know nobody else really cares what I eat, but it helps me so I'm going to keep doing it.

So here's (toasting my bottle of water to the air) to day one for both us!!

By the way, I weighed in this morning at *wincing" 219! That's up 6 lbs since 4/13/06! Whoa!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

New Beginnings

Today is day one for me also on the "new plan". So far so good. I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Don't look back, it's a new day and a new beginning for us both!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Switchin' it up

So, I have been doing the counting calories thing for quite sometime and I have to be honest....I'm tired of counting!! It has been a really good experience though. I have a much better understanding of what I am eating and I realize how many calories are in some foods that I would have thought otherwise. If you haven't even counted calories, I would highly recommend doing it for a is very eye opening. So I've decided it's time to switch things up.
A friend of mine recently joined a certain weight loss program. Well she shared the info with me and I'm going to try it out. It is very similar to another weight loss program that I did a few years ago. It was great and I lost about 15 lbs in a month... it was just way to expensive. Anyway, the program is a balanced mix of carbs and proteins and you use store bought food. They do recommend their drink supplements. The other program also had drinks supplements. The nutritional content of both are almost identical to these, so I am going to order me a few boxes. These are much cheaper than the ones at the facility. I can't really start until I go grocery shopping, so I plan to begin this coming Sunday. As for my current program....I guess I'm really not on one. I'm just trying to watch what I eat. I weighed this morning and I'm still right where I was last week.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My pants story...

It's so funny that you posted your pants story, because the very same thing happened to me this morning and I was going to post about. My post was going to be titled "Who needs a scale when you have jeans?" Jeans have always been a great indicator as to how my diet's going. You always know that you've gained a few if you have to lay down to button them up! I pulled out a pair of 18 misses that were still pretty snug last month. I could get them on, but I could barely breath. Well, I needed to wear jeans today because I have to do some manual labor at work later. My other pair (18W) were dirty, so I went for the snug ones. I was shocked, they went right on and buttoned without any sucking in. They are even a little loose in the waist. I've only lost 1 or 2 lbs since the last time I tried them, but I've obviously lost a few inches too. Woo Hoo! It's a good day!! I may get brave and pull out my 16's this weekend.

By the way, I love the part about your "sucker in panties" - I can so relate!


Congrats on being the biggest loser!
I am so proud of you. 14 lbs is no easy is hard work! You have no reason to be "disappointed" - you did awesome!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm stuck...

or in fancy diet terms, I have plateau’d . When I first began writing this post, I decided to begin by finding articles on the subject, so that I could figure out why I am stuck. Once I began reading, the answer was very obvious … I haven’t plateau! I’m just not doing what I was doing in the beginning when the weight went quickly. I’ve had myself believing I was doing well, and although I have been doing better than I was 6 months ago, I’m not doing as well as I was in the beginning. When I first begin I was...

…drinking 100oz of water a day; now I’m lucky if I get 50oz
…avoiding caffeine; lately I’ve begin drinking a diet soda everyday and 3 or 4 on the weekends.
…getting no more than 1250 calories a day: I now average about 1600
…walking at least 3 nights a week; I’ve only been 3 times in the last 2 weeks

So, this weeks goal are to get 100oz of water everyday, avoid diet soda, stay under 1200 and walk, walk, walk. I’m also planning to try Curves this week. The articles I read said that if you aren’t building muscle as you diet, then you are losing muscle along with the fat and that slows down your metabolism. So I’m hoping Curves will help me in that area.

Think you have hit a plateau? Take a step back and reevaluate what you are doing, it may just be a slacker disguised as a plateau.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Weigh - In Wednesday...a day late - Traci

212...ok 213, is in the right direction but I'm not celebrating until I get back to 208, my lowest on this journey so far.

So there were no donuts to battle this morning, but there was a huge Easter basket full of goodies on my desk this morning. It had a huge chocolate bunny, lots of candy and several other non-edible items. So cute! We all got one. They were from the diviion heads.

Well it's 3:00 in the afternoon and I've sat next this basket all day and only been tempted once...and I gave in. I caved...I ate the one and only peanut butter bon bon in the basket. It was goood. I had to eat it, Brayden hates peanut butter :) The rest will be recycled into his Easter Basket. I tried to find how many calories were in a bon bon....I'm estimating it was around 150. Considering that only brings my day's total to 500 so far, I'm not feeling too guilty about it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ding, Ding, Ding - Round 3

Somebody has so generously brought 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts to work for the last 3 days. They are in the kitchen right next to the fridge. That's the 1st place I go when I get here in the morning to put my lunch up. When I first walk in, I instantly think "Yea, someone brought donuts" and then that thought is immediatly followed by "Oh yeah, I can't have that" and then the following conversation ensues in my head while I'm fixing my morning cup of coffee...

Sensible Traci: "Don't even think about it"
Addicted Traci: *thinking about it* "So if it's 300 calories, then half would only be 150, not bad."
Sensible Traci: "You're going to kill 150 calories on 2 bites of a donut?"
Addicted Traci: "You're right, if I'm going to do it, I should just eat the whole thing!"
Sensible Traci: "Snap out of it, you CAN'T have it! Would you rather taste that donut or lose weight?"
Addicted Traci: *big sigh* "Oh all right, I won't have one"
Addicted Traci: *as I leave the kitchen* "Those skinny people just don't know how lucky they are"
Addicted Traci: *as I sit down at my desk* "I feel good that I resisted it, I mean come on, it's just a donut!"

I know it's good when "addicted me" starts talking like "sensible me". That's progress!

The battle of the bulge is not easy, but we can do it donut at a time!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


It's been a while since I've posted about the diet lifestyle change. I've been on a bit of a hiatus for the last month or so. Even though I have posted a few times that "I am back on plan", that's only been lasting a day or so before I slowly start straying. So for the last time, I am back on plan and have been for about 3 days. I'm back to counting the calories and staying under 1300. I started to gain a few when I quit counting. One day I thought I had done pretty well, but then went back and counted the calories and it was at 1800. I think my internal "calorie estimator" is off just a bit!!
When I was keeping it under 1200, the lbs were going. And even though it seemed slow at the time, 2-3 lbs a week is actually pretty quick. I'm watching the fat also and trying to increase the protein. I've started drinking a Slim Fast Low Carb Shakes (20g of protein) in the afternoon and it's seems to really help curb the hunger.
I weighed in at 217 on Friday, but I'm back down to 213 today. I'll make my "official" weigh in tomorrow on "Weigh In Wednesday"!


To all of our loyal readers, you may have noticed that there is now an "invitation" on the sidebar. It's inviting anyone that is trying to lose weight to join the blog. So go read it and join us!Also, I went through and removed all of the daily stats. I'm still keeping track, but I'm tracking it on instead. It's just a lot easier.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I have a Personal Trainer!!

So, I'm gettting ready this morning and I turn on our Christian radio station. (you can listen live on the internet here - it's awesome) They are having their day of Praise and Prayer today. Basically people call in and talk about what God has done for them. The common thread was "God did it, I couldn't have done it with Him, I had to let Him take control." So let's just say I had a bit of a "come to Jesus" meeting this morning. It's like he was screaming "Let go, Let me - you cannot do this alone, but I can do it through you". I am sick of doing this alone. I can't do this alone, so here is my prayer for today and everyday from here on out.

Jesus, my Lord and Savior. As of today, I am turning this over to you. Push me aside and take this thing head on. Help me to conquer my addictions to food and give me the drive that I need to get the exercise program back on track. It is not your will that I be fat and miserable. It is your will that I be healthy and happy! Let Your will be done God. I give this to you. I am just going to sit back and let you move in this situation. I've said it before, but the control freak in me just can't let go. Forgive me for not trusting in you enough to let go. I want to let go. Teach me how to let go. I need you pick me up and take me through this. I love you and am believing you for health, strength and happiness. Not only do I want to lose weight, I want to learn to love myself more. Teach me to love myself. Surround me with positive, supportive people that will only build me up. I commit to you today to do whatever it is you speak to me. Amen!

I've said a thousand times that if only I had a personal trainer, I could do this. They could motivate me and be there to hold me acountable. But they are so expensive!

Well, God just spoke to me and said "You do have a Personal Trainer! I've been sitting right here next to you this whole time just waiting for you to call and sign up. The best part is that I am FREE!!! I paid the fee along time ago! I will motivate you. I will hold you accountable. I will teach you and guide you. I will walk with you every step of the way. I am your Personal Trainer! I don't ever close, I'm always here for you"

So I went to and decided to type in "What is a personal trainer"?

Here are some excerpts from what I found...

A qualified trainer understands principles of anatomy, physiology...

A certified personal trainer is the difference in a successful fitness program...

A certified personal trainer is proven to be unparalleled in achieving desired fitness levels, increased motivation, and long term wellness...

So I am declaring today that God is my new Personal Trainer!!

Confessions of a Pig: Part I & II & III & IV & so on

I basically could have reposted the last post everyday since that post. Just replace Maple Nut Goodies with ice cream, fries, cookies, etc... I have just completely thrown the calorie counting, water drinking, walking, and healthy eating out the window. I gave up! We went on vacation last Thursday and we just returned yesterday. Of course the word vacation is defined as "permission to eat anything you want" in my dictionary. Here are just of the few "not so healthy" choices I made this weekend.... Moose Munch, Cherry Cake Double Take (1100 calories!!!!) , Corn Dogs, Yogurt covered Pretzels, Cocoa Puffs, Fries, Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Smoked Sausage, Kettle Korn, Truffle (just 1 though), chocolate covered fruit (just 2), chips and salsa, Chocolate cake & I'm sure there are a few more. Can you say "SWEET TOOTH". Now keep in mind all of that is over the course of 4 days - but still!! I had quite a rude awakiening this morning when I stepped on the scale and saw 214!! That's 6 lbs since the 8th!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Confessions of a Pig!

Yes...I said PIG!! I just call 'em like I see 'em. While I was out on lunch today I bought a bag of Maple Nut of my fave candies. Well I took them back into work with me...big mistake! I ate a few here and a few there and before I knew it... the bag was empty! Yes, over the course of 4 hours I ate all 28 pieces. Guess how many calories are in one Nut Goodie......28 - that's 784 calories in that whole bag!!! OMG!! The sad thing is that I actually looked at the nutritional info before I started. I knew there were that many calories in that bag. Did that stop me? Nope! Well what's done, is done. I was going to weigh tomorrow....but I think I may wait a few days. I might pass out!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006

Food Finds

Just some foods and drinks that I have found that are good low calorie choices:

Listed in this format:
Food(linked to website)/Where I buy them/Calories

Pastry Twists - Wal-Mart/60 per twist
These are yuummmy! Brayden and Bobby like them too, so I have to buy enough to share.

High Protein Fruit Drink - Internet/70 per packet and 16g of protein T
These are the drinks I used to have to buy when I joined the local "weight loss center". I've just now realized I can buy them online. The wild berry is my favorite. The WLC recommended 3 a day, but I'm planning to do 2 a day. I definetly need to get more protein in and this is a great way to do it.

Edy's Light and No Sugar Added Ice Cream - Wal-Mart/90-130 per 1/2 cup
I've mentioned these before, but they are worth mentioning again. I've only had the Light, but it is awesome, so I'm guessing the other has to be pretty good also.

Eggo Toaster Swirlz - Wal-Mart/120 (1 set of 4)
These are a great fix for the sweet tooth. There are lots of other choices on the Eggo site that are low in calorie (the key is eating only what the serving is)

1/3 Less Sugar Cereals - WM/120 for 1 & 1/4 cups
I loooovee cereal. I always thought that I needed to give it up if I was trying to los weight. What I need to give up is eating 2 huge full bowls of it. (please tell me I'm not the only one??) The serving you get for 120 calories is actually quite a lot. Add 1 C 2% milk and you only have a total of 245 calories. I love to eat the Fruit Loops w/o milk for a afternoon snack also.

Frozen Vegetables - WM / 60-110 per cup
Both Birsdeye and Green Giant make some great vegetable "side dishes". I can eat 2 servings of these vegetables for dinner and be stuffed and stay under 200 calories. I really like vegetables but hate the chore of making fresh veggies tasty without adding a bunch of oil or butter.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Weekend Update

I did pretty good this weekend. I didn't get any exercise, but I stayed within my calories. I didn't get much water though. I did breakdown and buy 3 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies... who can resist GS cookies? Especially when I was a GS myself, I did it for the girls, for the cause....(yeah right). I at least got the Low Fat Lemon ones....they are my fave. I'm going to allow myself 3 a day (130 calories). I got thin mints too, but B & B have already polished those off. By the way, I have a new goal... Bobby and I are going to the Nascar race in Charlotte, NC for Memorial Day weekend. That is my final goal date. (oh yeah we have decided to hold off on a baby until after then). I'm calling my new goal "Countdown to Green". Just in case you don't know, that's what they call the days/hours leading up to the race (green as in green flag - GO) That gives me 89 days (almost 13 weeks) my goal is to average 3 a week....for a total of 38 lbs. As of today's weight that would bring me in at 174. I would be extremely happy with that weight, even though I would technically still be considered overweight. I am going to really begin to study the Biggest Loser info and I'm going to commit to doing it for one week 100% (after I go grocery shopping this weekend). Not that I am quitting after a week, I just reserve the right at that point to switch up a few things based on my tastes and schedule. My main thing is going to be to stay under the BL's recommended calories for me. (1500) and to get 30-40 minutes of cardio 3 days a week and 3 days of "strength training. The exercise alone should make a big difference since I haven't really been doing any for the last few weeks. My weight loss goal for Wednesday is to be back down to 210.