Saturday, January 07, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

That is what I heard when I weighed this morning...

I just weighed in at 213.0 lbs. That's the lowest yet! I know today isn't weigh-in day but I had to weigh this morning because I am starting the detox today. That's the only way I will know if it works. I decided to go with a premixed protein drink. I did a little shopping last night and could only find one protein powder that meets his criteria. It was $39. I'm not spending that much on something that #1 I may not be able to tolerate and #2 I only need for one day....well at least for now. If this goes well, I may do it once a week for a month as he suggests. I didn't realize until I got home that the article says that each 1 oz of powder mix should have 24g of protein. You are supposed to have 6 ounces of MIX, not drink, every 2 hours. Well I only bought enough to have 8 0z of drink every 2 hours (5x total) and it's only 16g of protein for every 8 ounces I drink. I will only get 80 total grams of protein for the day, but after looking at what I have eaten this week, that is more than double what I currently get. So I am just sticking with my own version for today. I will follow to the book for the next two days though. I bought the Slim Fast Low Carb shakes. I will be drinking the equivalent of 4 cans. That's a total of 760 calories, 36 g of fat, 24g carbs minus the 16g of fiber will give me 8 "net carbs", and 80 g of protein. I want to go for 100 ounces of water.

I decided to skip the phentarmine, I just need to press through until 6 pm when I get real food. I should be able to do that without it. Oh yeah Uncle Tom decided to drop by last night, so that will probably make this a little harder, but I'm doing it anyway. No more excuses!!

Later that day.....

Ok, here is an update for Detox day 1. It's 4pm and I've had 3 of the slim fast. I feel really full. It's time for another and I don't really want to drink it. So tonight I'm supposed to have a 3-6 oz piece of lean chicken, fish or beef and 3-6 cups of raw vegetable salad with olive oil! I'm having salmon and steamed broccoli though. I just can't do 3 cups of lettuce with oil. Ok can't really isn't the word, I don't want to. How much different can 3 cups of stemaed broccoli with nothing on it be from raw veggies and oil? So maybe this first day isn't exactly by the books, but I still feel like it's a good first day to the detox. I think this day is mainly to get our body ready for the next 2 days of mostly fruit. I also have some Arbonne colon cleanse. I've taken once before and let's just say that yes I think it cleaned out some areas that had not been cleaned out in a while!! I'll skip the details!! Anyway, I'm going to take one of those before I go to bed too. If you want some, I will mail them to you. I have a huge bottle.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Not only do I have a B&B - we are both T’s! Just add that to the list of things in common!

Organic - I agree about the organic. It is very expensive but it is so much better for you! It is a shame that it is so expensive to eat healthy! No wonder so many people in America are Obese!!!

TBL - Watching the show last night I was really encouraged. Once again these are just people that are watching what they eat and exercising. If WHOLE families can do this it seems like I should be able to do it! It is amazing how much 40lbs makes a difference. Then that one mom that lost 78 - wow! The all looked great! I got my BL book yesterday but did not have time to read it yet. As soon as I do I will start posting info, etc. as I read it.

Discovery/ - I signed up for the Discovery but I never went in and researched. Yes before on our "other" tries to lose weight we did discuss fitday. I am glad you brought it up because I was trying to think of it because I remembered the little charts and stuff. I do really good when I can see how I am actually doing!

Detox Diet - I was going to send you the info out of the magazine I found but when I started looking it had a website. I went to that website and found out I could by the e-book for $5.00. I am going to get you the info ASAP. I only read the magazine version - I have not read the e-book yet. I plan on doing that tonight. My goal is to start day 1 of the fruit flush on Saturday. You want to do it to?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well I tried the Discovery Health thing and I don't like it. You can't choose your foods for the meal planner, it gives you the option of several customized meals. Have you looked at it?? I decided to sign up for instead. It's free and you can track your food, activities, water, etc. I really like it. It even lets you do graphs so that you can see your progress. Some of the food I eat isn't listed but I just improvised. For instance the Ragu sauce wasn't on there, so I just used regular spaghetti sauce and adjusted the ounces until the calories equaled what I knew they should be. I figure once the calories are adjusted that the fat, carbs, etc probably end up being pretty close. Even though I am tracking calories, it's good to see the carb and protein intake also. The activity thing is similar to the one on You enter how much you drove, cooked, worked at a desk etc. It adds all of that up and compares it to what you ate to make sure you are burning more than you eat. It breaks it down to basal, lifestyle and activities. The basal is the resting, the lifestyle is based on your "lifestyle level" you put in your profile (ie: sedentary, active, etc) All of the activities you entered are in the activities category. You should check it out. Seems like it is one of the sites we talked about last time we were trying to lose.

Food Finds

Crystal Light Sugar Free Hard Candies - 25 calories, these are really good and 4 of them actually equals 1/2 of a fruit serving - they are at the bottom of the page
Pillsbury wheat roll - 90 calories, these are awesome, much more flavor than the regular dinner roll, the boys prefer them too

I made spaghetti using the new Organic Ragu and I used the Barilla Pasta Plus that has added fiber, protein and omega 3 (really good, taste just like regular pasta) and I used 93% fat free ground turkey. Yum!!

I like the idea of organic. The spaghetti sauce was sooo good. I assumed that it would be gross because it was healthier. It tasted pure..does that make sense? It was just like I had taken tomatoes from the vine and crushed them. I would love to switch to buying mostly organic products, but it's expense at the specialty stores.


Congrats on the 4lbs!! Love the picture!!

Yes please send it my way...I think I will try it. You are exactly right on the pregnancy thing. I want to eat healthy and still exercise. Last time I think I used being pregnant as an excuse to
be lazy and eat whatever.....and now look at me!!

I'm going to sign up for the discovery health thing today! BTW I found a new little snack..well the snack isn't new, but I didn't know that they had so few calories. Only 110 calories in the breadstick variety.

I found an off brand at Family Dollar and it only has 95 calories....every little calorie counts. It's just as yummy!

Weigh-In Wednesday: Tiffany

Well I weighed in this morning....255. Still not as low as I was on my first weigh-in; however, I am down 4 lbs from last weeks 259 and still less that the 262 that I started with way back in August.

I am going to sign up for that Discovery Health thing - great idea!

Any loss - 1.3lbs or not - is great! You go girl!

Well look at it this way even if you do have to start trying now you can still continue to try to lose weight. I mean considering the other problems you have had in the past you may or may not get pregnant on your first couple of tries!! Also, there are alot of workout tapes etc for pregnant mom's. It would also be good for the baby for you to eat healthier and at least walk so don't look at it as a bad thing if you have to start so soon - just stay on track no matter what! If you keep up the good eating and exercising habits through out the pregnancy and don't use the pregnancy as an excuse you will drop the weight SO fast after you have the baby!

I found this kind of "detox" in a magazine I saw at the store yesterday and I picked it up. The lady that told about it lost 9lbs in 3 days. Of course *results not typical*. Anyway, I am going to try it tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. On the 1st day it is alot of Protein shakes etc, 2nd and 3rd days it is alot of fruits. The article really explains it. I will scan it in and email it to you in the morning just in case you want to try it too. They say you can do the detox for 3 days and then regular diet for 4 days and then start over. They were saying you can do this up to 12 weeks or so and it really "cleanses" your body and gives your weight loss a boost!

Oh no!!

I just realized that I am 10 lbs and 10 days away from my first mini-goal. My deal with Bobby was that as long as I met my goal we could wait and try for baby number 2 in April, but if I didn't meet it then I would agree to go ahead and start trying. My whole excuse for not wanting to have another baby right now is that I want to lose some weight first. Well I have been saying that for a year now, so he said if I could prove to him that I was serious this time that we would wait until April. I better get my butt moving. I think if I can lose at least 5 more and be only 5 away from my goal that I can convince him that I am doing good.... I'll blame it on the holidays. I have got to be very good from this point forward. You better believe my butt will be on that treadmill tonight!

Weigh-In Wednesday: Traci

Only down 1.3 lbs and not back to where I was before Christmas, but at least I am down this week!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Surfin' the web!

I think I am going to sign up for this. It's completely free and offers a lot of features that most pay sites offer (meal plans, assessments, trackers, etc) It has some really neat stuff. Check it out. Wanna sign up?

Here are a few cool sites or articles that I have found: (have to pay for access to certian areas of the site)

Low Calorie Recipes

Some of my favorites in a low calorie version:

Potato Salad -

Meatloaf -

Orange Chicken -

Eggplant Parmesean -

Onion Rings -

Fettucine Alfredo -

Peanut butter cookies - (only 30 calories per cookie)

My mouth is watering just reading all of these.
I like the idea of commenting in a post unless we don't have anything to post. I think your DW (disneyworld) goal is definetly acheivable and I don't think 2 lbs a week is unreasonable. You can do it. By the way I think I have gained control again. I didn't take my meds today but I'm still doing ok.

Yikes! New "Five Month" Goal!

We have picked a couple of dates. We have decided that we will go to Disney World sometime between the last week in May to the first week in August. That means I have to get on it NOW because JUST IN CASE we decide to go the last week in May I would really really really like to lose at least 40 lbs by then. That would put me at 219 from my last weekend and at least down one size. That means I would have to lose on average 2lbs per week. I don't know how reasonable that is but I am really really going to try to get as close as I can in the next five months!


Yup - I went out with a HUGE bang in 2005. I ate and ate junk and tons of food I didn't need! THOUGH no looking at the past I am moving on! It is a new year! I feel like I have a fresh start and I am ready for it!! I am really really cutting back for the next couple of weeks. I probably will have low calories but I have GOT to train myself that bigger is not necessarily better. I am just going to have to eat very little to kind of "shrink" my stomach. I know it sounds dumb but the only time I ever really lost a good bit of weight this is how I started. I get very discouraged when I don't lose pretty quick in the first couple of weeks. I seem to do much much better when I have a little jump start. It gives me just the encouragement I need. It is a NEW YEAR! No excuses!! We can do it!!

Yikes that is alot of Calories at Shogun!! We have those type of places here and I love them. I guess if I do go there I will have to skimp out on eating the rest of the day!!

I am glad you shared those websites with me. I am trying my best to get into this. Calorie counting is one of the ONLY weightloss techniques I haven't tried! The thing is it is basically about just cutting back and exercising - which I should do anyway! I got an email saying my biggest loser book shipped. I should get it any day now...I will share with you when I do!

As far as the scale goes - I agree! No weighing EXCEPT on weigh-in day!

Also, UNLESS I don't have something to post I will probably comment to you in my post so that you don't have to look so many places since it is just us!! However, if I am not posting at the time I will leave you a comment under your post so it wouldn't hurt to occasionly check the site for my comments if you haven't received a post email from me!

Wake Up - It Is A New Year!!

So how many times did you hit the snooze button this morning? It was SO hard to wake up after all of the holiday celebrating!! I myself had a hard time!! My daughter doesn't go back to school until Thursday and I know she will be as ready as I am. It seems like when she is in school the whole house is on a better schedule...I know I am anyway.

We had a very quiet laid back weekend. On New Years we went out to dinner, shot fireworks and were in bed sometime afer 10:00pm. I for one did not see the New Year in! Sunday we hung around the house mostly and then went to my mother in laws to eat dinner and visit with my sister in law before she flew back to Orlando.

My husband and I both were off work Monday and we did not get out of our PJ's all day! We worked on painting my daughters room. It is the most "detailed" paint job I have ever done. We plan on working alot on the rest of the house this year. We have alot of decorating & painting to do inside, we need to finish our backyard fence, clean out the garage and in the spring start working on our flower beds. We are planning a summer trip to Disney World so we will be saving for that along with the fact that we will have to save because I plan to get a new"er" car around August or so. I have done really good. This year begins the 6th year I have gone without a car note. I haven't decided on what I want to get yet BUT all in good time!

Hope you all had a wonderful New Year!!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Low Calorie Recipes

I got a Low Calorie Recipe CD at Wal-Mart last week. I was so excited about it, that is until I put it in the computer. It has some really good recipes (5,500 in total) but it doesn't give the nutritional info for them. Common sense tells you that if some one is purchasing a low calorie recipe CD that they are probably counting calories also. It seemed obvious to me that it would have had at least calories and fat. If you want to know the calorie count, you basically have to take each ingredient and figure it up for yourself. I was planning on posting some recipes each week, but now I'm not sure I want to mess with it. There are some great low calorie recipe sites out there that tell you the nutritional info, so maybe I will just start posting some from there as I try them. I also planning to buy this book this weekend.

Here are a few links:

I did it.....

I made it through one morning without weighing. I went straight to the scale when I got up...I guess it has become somewhat of a habit obsession! I resisted though...I did stand there and contemplate doing it just one more day and then stop my everyday weigh in as of tomorrow. But I stood my ground and said no. I wondered for a just a few minutes as to what it probably was, but then I soon forgot about it. It sucks not knowing where I'm at but I know I have to be extra good today, just in case it went up or something. I will make it until Wednesday...I swear. I may not keep my "new rule" after that, but this one time...I think I can do it!!

Friday, December 30, 2005

I think you are doing great. 1500 calories is not much considering what we normally would be consuming.

By the way, I weighed this morning and I'm back down to the 214, so it had to have just been water retention that I gained over the holidays. I am sure it has to be the same with you...I don't think you can gain 5 actual lbs of fat in just a few days. Anyway, I know we have discussed whether to weigh everyday or not... I think I have decided to try to go a week or so and only weigh on "weigh in day". I realized today when I was eating lunch that I had the thought "I'm back down today, so if I splurge a bit that's ok now" WRONG! It's not ok, and I caught myself in subconsicous thought and realized that weighing everyday is probably not a good idea for me at least not right now in the beginning. I do like knowing that I'm "OK" every morning, but I think I will be more strcit if I'm clueless to how I am doing. I will be extra careful knowing that I may or may not be losing. It will be very hard.... I'm even thinking of having Bobby hide it from me. That's crazy, but I don't think I can stop myself, if it's right there when I get in the shower each morning. When I wake up it's my first thought, well after the thought that my bladder is going to burst from all the dang water! What do you think???

It's Friday! Have A Happy New Year!

Well how is everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was very nice and I got to visit with all of my family and give lots of gifts and I also got lots of great gifts! Most importantly we got to celebrate Jesus' birthday!

All and all the holidays were good. Work has been a little crazy. Not that we have been busy but the fact that out of 50 people at our office only about 15 are actually here today. Not to mention out of our whole little department I have been the only one that has been here everyday all day for the past two weeks! Others have come and gone or not been here at all. I on many occasions have been the only one in our group that was at the office. I should take advantage of that but it is hard knowing I have a hundred things I need to be at home doing too!

Let's see - what else - OH - there was an incident at a Christmas party I was at. When the party was said and done everything was fine but a week later someone had to start it all back up. Needless to say the past 3 weeks have been hell! I should not have even had to worry about that sort of thing!! I am too old for this drama. ANYWAY - so as of last night it is finally all over with. {I Hope.} It seems like this thing never dies. Every time it is "over" someone brings it back up!!This is why all of us that gossip need to learn that you can't do that because you can really make someones life miserable! ANYWHO!! There are just times in your life when you have to decide what is really important and what friendships or aquantances are worth holding on too. It will all come out in the wash but I refuse to discuss it anymore!

Well guess I better get back to work - just curious though - has anyone set any New Years resolutions?

My only one would be to try to live my life a little better. I have learned that no matter how good you try to be some people still won't appreciate it; however, I am not very good at letting go and letting God. This morning I heard that new Carrie Underwood song "Jesus Take The Wheel". It brought me to tears and the chorus reminded me of what I sometimes forget. Let go and have faith b/c I can't always handle things on my own!"

God Bless! Have a Safe and Happy New Years!

Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all on my own
I'm letting go So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Low Down on Detox

Here are a few links I found on detox diets.

Is Detox safe? Good info...uh....I think. There is so much conflicting info our there, who knows whats right!!

Detox for quick weight loss! Well heck yeah, if you only eat fruit for a month you'll probably loose some major weight...but will you still be sane??

Do you need to detox?
My Results :
You answered 12 items out of 16 matching the detox profile.
Your score is 75%. You're body is showing signs it needs a detox diet.

According to the Today show...
experts say detox diets are hype: "First of all, your colon doesn’t need cleansing, it’s an efficient machine that rids the body of impurities on its own. The body expels harmful things naturally. Plus, without enough calories (which would be the case on either diet), your body turns to muscle for fuel, which in turn lowers your metabolism"

In conclusion I think a "detox diet" is a good way to lose some weight quickly and can benefit in other ways, but as far as the claims that out bodies need it to cleanse toxins.... not so sure I'm on board. I do think I may try a "solid diet fast" for 2 days and only drink or eat fruit and water. I would like to see for myself what the weight loss effects are. If I lose 2 or 3 lbs in those 2 days, I may try and do it twice a week for a month or so. What do you think?? Also most sites that support detox...want you to spend $$ with them in order to do so!

Weigh-In Wednesday: Traci

Girl, you're not alone!!! I gained 4.2 lbs in 3 days! That's horrible. The way I look at it is if I had not of lost the 7.8 lbs that I did since the beginning, than that would be 4.2 lbs on top of what I already weighed! Which would be 225 lbs...8 lbs more than I did this morning. That may be a warped way of looking at it...but it makes it easier to accept. Notice I didn't post my "stats" yesterday. It's because they weren't real good. I did ok until I got home. There was one lonely piece of cheesecake sitting in the fridge.....and well the rest I think you know. I then had two chocolate race cars and a mini bag of M&M's. That was all before dinner! Today is going better though. I'm on track, but need to get in some water. I haven't had any today. Just 2 big glasses of tea!!!