Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Time Is NOW

I was looking at my calendar this morning and I cannot believe that I am in my third week of my last year of nursing school. Really when you look at it I have less than a year because we graduate in December and we don't have class during the summer months! It is amazing how much has changed in my life in 3 weeks! I am back in school, the hubby is back in school and of course my daughter is back in the second part of 8th grade. I have been doing a not diet...but a "life change". I have made grade progress and my motivation is unbelievable at this point. I have never been this dedicated this far in the game! We are trying to catch up on bills but have some things coming down the pipe that will help that fall into place! Also, my house has been some kind of clean lately and I am working very hard on my organizing projects. All this may seem minor to some but these are huge areas in my life that I always struggle with and the fact that it is all going semi-smooth is Ahhh-Mazing! I only have one person - GOD! - to thank for that because I know through him all things are possible! I look forward to looking back a year from now and thinking...WOW...I REALLY did it this time!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

TG's Daily Total: 1/24/12

4 Shakes
4 Glasses of water

First, today was a crazy busy long day at school! I came home & filed our taxes and then fixed Brian/Baylee dinner. I got busy doing other things and by the time I realized it I hadn't drank my water and missed dinner but then it got too late & I wasn't really starving so I was like forget it. Hopefully it won't bite me in the booty!

TG's Daily Total: 1/23/12

6 Shakes
8 Glasses of water

Everything else...nada!

Energy off the charts!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nursing School Continues!

Long time no post as you see! Well I am still in nursing school. I am in my third semester of my adn program. It is very hard & time consuming but I am still loving it and I know this is exactly what I was meant to do. I am just trying to stay focused and trying to be more organized. I know this isn't a lot of information but I will try my hardest to have something else on this site soon! :-)

Weird Water!!

I make no bones about the fact that I am NOT a water person normally. Being on my new "life change" and hopefully for the rest of my life I am trying really hard to "get addicted" to water. Okay so not in the sense of the people in a mental institution who drink so much they get drunk off it but you get the idea. *grin* I have noticed I am very weird about my water.

When I very first started this diet I had to "gag' down the water. I had to add the Ocean Spray packets (just like the more popular Crystal Lite ones but I prefer Ocean Spray). I would put it in my water bottles and get after it. Then I would get burnt out and drink it just plain in a cup of ice but I can taste the "plastic" hose taste in the ice when I drink it plain (from the ice maker). I tried the drink it fast through the straw fix. All of these things were okay for a bit then I got burnt out. My newest thing is I bought a bottle of smart water & after I finished off I keep refilling it. It has about 4 cups of water per bottle so if I can drink 3 of those today I will be to my goal of 12 cups. 

So maybe this wasn't too informative but I write it to just let everyone doesn't matter HOW you drink your water as long as you keep drinking it! I am sure in a day or so I will get tired of the smart water bottle and move on to something else. Just keep drinking!!!!

TG's Week 1 Recap

I did it! I survived week 1! I even came home from class today and went & weighed (middle of the day, lots of water & my shakes ingested, t-shirt, blue jeans & tennis shoes) and I STILL weighed almost 5 pounds less than I did this same day last week! So here is a food recap (you can see journals below) and a few things I have thought and noticed this week:

  • I did perfect on my shakes all week!
  • I didn't have any cheats all week! Yay!
  • No exercise
  • I did my best to drink all my water every day but some days I just couldn't get close.
  • I noticed when I was sleeping that I could actually breathe and was sleeping with my mouth shut. (In the past 8-10 years I pretty much have to sleep with my mouth somewhat open to be able to breathe!)
  • At school I missed the elevator and went up two sets of stairs to meet up with friends and not until I got to the top did I notice I wasn't even winded! (I haven't even exercised so not sure what that is about?)
  • My tail-bone and knees have been bothering me lately and I just thought as I was typing this how my hip usually hurts and after one week on this diet no pain! I don't know if maybe it is having more water in my system or if it is because of the milk.
  • I have SOOO much energy! You wouldn't think so with the fact that I haven't had solid food in over 7 days now but really I feel GREAT!
:-) Oh Happy Day!

TG's Week 1 Weigh-In

Drummmmm rollll...............

Yay! Lost a total of 9.6 pounds in week 1! I know the other weeks won't be as impressive but it was definitely a good start! Off to school...more later!!!

TG's Daily Total: 1/22/12

Meals: 6 shakes (1200 - Used skim milk.)
1 Ocean Spray water packs (5 Calories)

Water: 7 

Exercise: Nada! :/

TG'S Daily Total: 1/21/12

Meals: 6 shakes (1200 - Used skim milk.)
1 Ocean Spray water packs (5 Calories)

Water: 5 (Uh oh!)

Exercise: Nada! :/

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Weekends & Weight Loss

It is funny that any other time I would enjoy the fact that it is the weekend. When you are dieting that is a whole other story! This weekend hasn't been particularly bad but usually that is the time where we "cook" or have dinner with friends. For instance, we are going to a friends house tomorrow night to have dinner...chili (one of my favorites)...but while everyone is eating I will be sipping on my shake. No fun...eating all alooonnneee! I will admit that I have been very impressed with my husband who has pretty much been "shaking" with me during the day and only eating dinner at night! That has been a huge help. I have not had a lot of time today to "think" about food because of doing homework and cleaning house. The bad thing is at this point I should have had at least half my water and four shakes. I have had ZERO water today and THREE shakes. I gotta get with it! In the meantime...I am going to share some tips I found in order to stay motivated! (Credit given to for the information below!)

Staying On Track!

Tip 1: Think Slim

This tip is about that all-important moment: What do you experience just before you eat something? Do you tussle with yourself? “I really shouldn’t… but I want to!” Do you imagine how the food will taste, even feel in the mouth? Or do you focus on the real consequences, rather than the temporary satisfactions of eating?
People who are overweight tend to imagine how food is going to taste and feel as they eat. In contrast, people who naturally ‘eat slim’ tend to imagine how that pie or cake will feel heavy in their stomachs for so long after they’ve eaten it. Jumping from a great height might feel fun whilst it lasts, but the consequences that come after we hit the ground are what we consider when deciding not to do it.
So when you’re tempted to eat something you don’t need, practice imagining how your stomach is going to feel ten minutes or an hour after you’ve consumed that weight-increasing food. Keep it up until this becomes a natural habit for you.
Tip 2: Surround yourself with slim people
No, I’m not suggesting you dump all your less-than-slender friends. But research has shown that the average body type of the people with whom you hang out affects yourweight and size (1). Start hanging around with slimmer, fitter types (perhaps at the gym) and your subconscious mind will pick up a new template for what is ‘normal’. Karen started hanging out and socializing with slim types at a jogging club.
Tip 3: Be fair to yourself
Imagine someone walks up a hundred steps but feels a bit tired, so they stop and step back down one step. They tell you bitterly: “Now I may as well forget this whole idea of reaching the top! I’ve totally blown it!”
What?! You’d think that was crazy, right? Acting as if all that progress, the 99 steps they didclimb, never happened – because they had one slip! But people do this all the time when it comes to weight loss.
You lose weight, maybe four or five pounds, maybe much more. But you slip, have a bad day or a ‘weak moment’, and eat something you shouldn’t have. And what do you tell yourself? “I’ve completely blown it! Now I might as well really binge!”
Beware the perfectionism trap. Aim to eat sensibly and healthily most of the time, not all the time. We all consume more than we should of the wrong kind of food or drink now and then.
Everyone’s weight fluctuates a bit and you should prepare for this (once you’ve reached a healthy weight). Have a ‘sliding scale’ in your mind of a couple of pounds on either side of your target weight. No one can live for long under a self-imposed, too harsh dictatorship.
Tip 4: Weight loss is not a cure-all
Sure, being healthier, fitter, and so on will have positive and maybe unexpected ripple effects. However, even as a slimmer person you’ll still have a bad day in the office, moments of self-doubt, or times when you feel undervalued.
Many people feel let down when they become slimmer and then find that being slim doesn’t solve all their problems in one go. They then revert to eating poorly again. Don’t fall into this trap.
You have lots of different needs which need to be fulfilled in life. Being slimmer, healthier, and fitter is just one of them.
Tip 5: Eat when you’re hungry
I know this sounds obvious, but eating sugary foods causes a subsequent crash in energy, leaving you wanting more sweetness. On the other hand, eating for slow energy release is a sustainable way to keep your weight loss motivation firing on all cylinders without you having to consciously think about it. For slow-release energy, eat protein with every meal alongside ‘good carbs’ such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. This avoids the ‘crash and burn’ of sugar overdosing.

I found this part (below) very interesting...kinda makes me think about how our choices REALLY DO affect others!:
(1) Having an obese friend dramatically increases the risk of becoming similarly fat, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Obesity is ‘socially contagious’, spreading from person to person in a social network, researchers said. The study found that if one person becomes obese, those closely connected to them have a greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Surprisingly, the greatest effect was seen not among people sharing the same genes or household, but among friends.

Friday, January 20, 2012

TG's Daily Journal: 1/20/12

Meals: 6 shakes (1200 - Used skim milk.)
1 Ocean Spray water packs (5 Calories)

Water: 7 1/2

Exercise: Nada! :/

Other: I just really wasn't feeling it today. Did the best I cold tho! At least I didn't cheat! Going to bed now and tummy is growling a bit!

TG's Daily Total: 1/19/12

Meals: 6 shakes (1200 - Used skim milk.)
2 Ocean Spray water packs (10 Calories)

Water: 9 1/2 glasses

Exercise: Nada! :/

Other: Nothing!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Standing Strong!

So far so good! I am coming to the end of my fourth day and so far it has been good! I have really wanted to cave in a few times but I have held strong! I keep telling myself it is worth it...I AM WORTH it!!! So not great inspiration here or awesome words but just I know I can do this...I can, I can, I can...I WILL! Thought I would add an old photo of myself the last time I was "small" as added inspiration!

This photo was taken on "Senior Day" in my last year of high school! I used this photo because I specifically remember this day and remember how embarrassed I was because I felt so "fat" in this dress!!!! Do I look fat? Ummm...if I were to only be "that fat". :-) 

TG's Daily Total: 1/18/12

Meals: 6 shakes (1200 - Used skim milk.)
2 Ocean Spray water packs (10 Calories)

Water: 9 glasses

Exercise: Nada! :/

Other: Nothing!

Same thing two days in a row!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Redoing My Game Plan!

So far I am actually feeling good! Yesterday I didn't seem to feel as well but today I just feel like I have a lot of energy. I am really not "hungry" at all but lots of things sound good. For instance, I am not even a dorritos fan but Baylee was eating some and I can almost envision how good they would taste. We also have some powdered donuts here but fortunately they haven't sounded good. I dreamed yesterday about eating a pickle and a burger from Krystal. It really is mind over matter I think. I thought I could get something and no one would not the difference but for once I thought...I WOULD. Not to mention one little chip would completely ruin what I am working towards. I keep telling myself I have had over 32 years to eat what I want & like I read on another person's website...the food isn't going anywhere. I can always eat later on when I am healthier and can eat just a small serving of something bad occasionally. I came across a gem of a website about a lady who has been doing OptiFAST (the program I am basing my fast off of). She has said so many informative things. Between reading her website ( and watching the show Traci suggested (Fat, Sick & Nearly Dying) I feel really good about my decision to make this change in my life. I am glad that day three has gone so well and I am in hopes that the rest of the week continues to go just as well!

So my plan redo is this (based on the things I have read):

Month 1: Continue with my shakes/water only for the remainder of my four weeks.

Month 2: Morning slim fast bar/1 cup milk; lunch shake; afternoon snack chicken broth; dinner shake

Month 3: Morning slim fast bar/1 cup milk; lunch shake; afternoon snack chicken broth; dinner 4 oz chicken and 1/2 cup of veggies

Month 4: Morning slim fast bar/1 cup milk; salad; afternoon snack chicken broth; dinner 4 oz chicken and 1/2 cup of veggies

TG's Daily Total: 1/17/12

Meals: 6 shakes (1200 - Used skim milk.)
2 Ocean Spray water packs (10 Calories)

Water: 9 glasses

Exercise: Nada! :/

Other: Nothing other than benadryl & ibuprofen!

I have decided this week & maybe even next week I am not going to stress too much on the exercise. If it happens it happens!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

TG's Daily Total: 1/16/12

Even if I don't get a chance to do this everyday I am going to try to do it as often as possible. As I said before I am doing "shakes" for a month. Might not be the right choice for everyone but this is my "jump-start". On week five I will add in something at breakfast (taking away one of my shakes), week 6 I will add in something at lunch (taking away another shake) and week 7 I will add in something at dinner taking away another shake, week 8 I will add a morning snack (taking away another shake!) and week 9 add an afternoon snack (taking away the final shakes!).


Meals: 6 shakes (1440 Calories)
2 Ocean Spray water packs (10 Calories)

Water: 12 glasses

Exercise: Nada! :/

Other: Multi-vitamin, Vitex Berry (For my female stuff!), hydroxycut (I have one bottle that I have taken before and I am only taking half the dose a day until the bottle runs out to get me used to not eating much each day!)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Prayerfully Losing has been four years since we have used this site! To make matters worse...I haven't even lost/maintained in that time. I have actually PUT ON weight since the very first time we ever posted on this site. I am the biggest I have ever been and when I did my virtual model this morning it wouldn't even go UP to my weight. It is sad, really. I don't know why I just can't manage to lose weight BUT what I do know is it is now time. I have four good motivations this year though:

  1. We are going on our first cruise in May. I want to look better, feel better and most of all be happy to take photos at all the fun places we go!
  2. Brian's college graduation will be late this summer and I don't want to be the "fat" wife. These are photos to keep forever in remembrance of a great day and I don't want to "hate" looking at myself.
  3. My 15 year reunion! I was the "fat" fun & friendly girl at our 10 year reunion and could not find a THING to wear. I want to be able to be cute this time around!
  4. My college graduation! I don't want to look like I am wearing a "moomoo" in my graduation cap & gown!

So what am I doing you ask? Well I know some people will turn their nose up at this but this is important to me. I am one of those people that has to see numbers to keep me motivated. I think in a long time the greatest amount of weight I have lost is maybe 20lbs. (Not sure about this tho...will have to look through old post!) I have worked with attorneys who did the liquid diet thing through a local hospital. I have a friend who has done the Optifast diet. Well I decided I am going along these same lines. I am doing a liquid diet (Brian will monitor my BP, etc. at home.) for the next month. I am going to make sure I meet adequate calories, drink plenty of water and take my vitamins. I am going to get in a gallon of water daily as well as a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise.

After the 30 days, you slowly add in "healthy" foods. I am so embarrassed after weighing this morning that I decided I am not sharing my starting weight with anyone until after my four weeks is up. So on February 13th...I will post my starting weight and my weight after the four weeks. Good or bad...I will post both numbers.

I also put a water tracker on my phone (not getting enough liquids each day is a huge downfall for me!) as well as downloaded a blogger link so I have no excuse to not blog because I can do it straight from my phone! I will now put in my very first virtual model which is not actually my very first starting weight because it won't go that high! I will also try to find some fairly recent starting photos.


I remembered two other things I want to lose for other than the obvious of being healthy & the things listed above! One is that my friends got a boat late last summer and we will be out on it more and I want to be comfortable when I am out there! Also, our family always goes to the lake in the summer and I want to be ready!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting My Study On!!

I was reading another blog about nursing that was talking about Making the Grade. It really got me to thinking...I have no idea how to study or motivate myself to study for the next two years of nursing school! I have got to find a good way to retain all the information that will be thrown at me starting Monday. It will probably be a trial and error process but I sure hope it doesn't take me long to figure it out!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Nursing School: Update

California Girl! :o)

Okay...well not really a Cali girl but what I pretended to be for a week! :o) While Brian was out training in San Diego I got the opportunity to go out and visit him. We had a blast! We saw Old Town San Diego, Pt Loma, La Jolla, SEALS! on the beach!, beautiful sunsets, USS Midway, San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park, Sea World, etc. We even made a road trip to L.A. It was soo much fun! We got to touch and see all the handprints in the concrete in front of the Chinese Theatre. We also got to walk down and look at all the "stars" on the sidewalk. It was really awesome! When we were getting ready to leave Hollywood we saw them setting up for the Salt premier. It was awesome to thing in just a matter of hours so many famous people would be walking down that carpet! Once we left there we went to RODEO DRIVE! It was amazing to see all the famous stores. My favorite part was to see the Beverly Wilshire! It is where Pretty Woman was filmed. I am a HUGE Julia Roberts fan. I even went in and used the facilities. LOL I can't wait to go back again!

All in all it was a great trip! It was hard to leave my hubby knowing that in just a few days after I left that he was heading overseas but it is an experience we were both so glad to have shared together! I love him!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nursing School: Acceptance

Nursing School...Acceptance?

Well.....BIG NEWS! I have been super stressed about the fact that I wasn't going to be able to start anytime soon. I even "stooped" to the level of going to a not so popular college and taking a class I really didn't want to take. I leave from my meeting at said school and get home...check the mail....ANNNNNNDDDDD.....I get a letter from the school! They said that I am an alternate for the fall semester. Which means that if someone doesn't show or drops out...I get their spot! ALSO, it guarantees me 100% a spot in the Spring Semester NO MATTER WHAT! So it is official....if not sooner...I will at least be a nursing student in the Spring!!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Residual Act...bleh!

Yup I took mine today. Not looking forward to the results. I am willing to bet they are probably lower than the first time I took it over 13 years ago! We shall see how it goes! I really hope it helps my chances of getting into Nursing School for the Spring! :o)

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Oh Lindsey!

*Sigh* Even though she tends to be a little wild I have always liked Lindsey Lohan as an actress. Today she goes to Court and is upset to know that she is sentenced to 90 days in jail. I just don't get it. She has it all fame, fortune, beauty, and she just can't seem to get it together. She says in court that she learned her lesson but shouldn't she have learned it after the first time? I don't know. I just don't get it. I guess all the above mentioned (fame, fortune, etc.) really just isn't enough. I am not sure what it is about these talented actresses and actors. I don't know if it is the lack of "real" friends in their lives or just the stress of fame that causes them to make such poor decisions. Either that or maybe they thing they are invincible. I really hope after this she really does straighten her life out.

Old Blogs!

Well I have part of my ever growing "to do" list...I am going to go back to my "old blog" and insert my "old post" into this blog (in date order). I don't really know why. Other than the fact to have a complete "blog" of all things I have posted since I began blogging many many years ago! I really wish I could get back into like I once was. I loved it. Still do but it is hard to keep it going in this world of social networking sites such as My Space or Facebook. Either way, like I have always said this is just more for my purposes and my way to "journal" my thoughts. :o)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

WDW & My Coastie! :o)

I am up and wide awake this morning! Yes it is 4:00 a.m. Yes I realize half the world is still asleep. Actually, sleeping crazy hours has been the trend for me since I got sick last week. Over a week later and I am still fighting it off! I was diagnosed with Bronchitis but at the beginning of the week it really felt more like whooping cough. Especially, since none of my medicine was working! However, through lots of prayer from family and friends I am here to report that I am feeling much better!

Once I finish typing this post I will begin loading my car. My daughter and I are leaving this morning to meet my dad and family in Orlando. We are going to spend a week at Disney. I believe that this is most of their first time. It is Baylee's second trip and my 5th. We are very excited. The only two things I have been a little concerned about are the two girls getting along all week. They are both sweet but both used to being only children. :o) Other than that, I worry how things are going to go at the parks because as you know in a big group not everyone is interested in the same things. My family is pretty great so I really don't see this as a worry! They are going to want everyone to do what makes them happy.

The most exciting news is after 49 days of not seeing my hubby - HE IS FLYING IN TO ORLANDO ON HIS LEAVE TIME TO VISIT WITH BAYLEE AND I! We are so very excited about it. Now to any other military family 49 days may not seem like a long time but this is the longest we have gone without seeing each other since his last deployment. Also, we are excited because when his unit began this journey we really were not sure that we would get to see them again before they returned from their deployment in the Spring of 2011. So this is just a blessing in disguise. I was actually going to come home and he fly here but he said he would rather come there so he can get some good quality alone time with Baylee. This will be officially the last time he sees her until next year!

Well I guess I better close this out and begin to load the car! My family things we won't be there until tomorrow but the truth is we will be there only a few hours after they arrive this afternoon!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Robitussin Take Me Away!!!

I feel bad. I mean I don't mean just the regular blahs. I am talking about laying in bed all week coughing and hacking. Brian makes fun of me when we talk because he thinks it sounds like I am barking like a dog. Yup that is how we know when it is bronchitis...Brian barks back. I have drank fluids, I have laid around all week, and I have drank Robitussin the past two days like it is going out of style! I REALLY hope I am feeling better by tomorrow. :( My house is a disgusting wreck. I mean REALLY bad. I haven't done a thing all week because when I move I cough. When I cough it hurts. When it hurts I choke. When I choke I get sick. Anyone that knows me knows I don't handle "getting sick" well. So here I lay...I am actually getting up right now to wash clothes and try to pick up a FEW things so the house won't be such a disaster. I am going to pick Baylee up from USM choir camp and I PRAY I don't start coughing during the middle of the program!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Vent of a Military Wife!

If you could see my face would know that
<-----this is what I look like. I am so glad that people want to support our troops...which is great! However, at what point do the wives get supported. I guess today I was more hurt than aggravated at a response I got. I mentioned how bad I was hurting having my sweet husband gone. After all, he and I have a wonderful relationship and he is truly my best friend. I am so glad people are praying for him and I am so glad they miss him. I guess it is just hurtful to me that no one wants to just come out and say...we are praying for you and Baylee or we are sorry that you are so sad. I guess one thing that maybe others don't understand is Brian was not called to go on this deployment. His Cuba deployment his HAD to go no questions asked. However, this deployment he along with all the brave men and women in his unit volunteered to go! I don't say this to take away from what they are doing because I think it is amazing but I do just wish people would be more supportive to the wives of our troops. I can stand here and support him forever but at some point I will need to be supported as well.

Man in Uniform

A few weeks ago, for one of our nephews birthdays, I got an idea. I called Brian and told him I thought it would be a neat idea to take a picture in his uniform holding a sign telling him happy birthday. I hate I thought of it so late because we weren't able to get it to him right on his birthday. Either way, glad to have it! I hope we can keep up the tradition while Brian is least for immediate family and maybe our few closest friends. It is a good way to show why Brian wasn't here but it also give us a time time of photos while he is gone.

His unit is leaving out for their second phase of training this morning. He sent me an email that says "Good morning. I love you." He also attached this picture.

It was so good to wake up and see him this morning. I miss him so very much. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brian Days

What are "Brian Days" you may ask? Brian days are when I am totally missing my sweet husband. These days are those days that get so bad that sometimes I feel like I can't breathe! It makes me so sad when he is gone but I support him and want him to do what makes him happy! So today has definitely been a sad "Brian Day" but I am trying to think of the positive. Thank goodness I have a man to love and miss so much. The same one that loves and misses me too! He is definitely the love of my life!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Nursing School Blahs!

Well it is official. I didn't make it in this fall. Though not surprised. Every nursing student I have talked to says it has taken them several tries to get in. It is probably just as well since I have so much going on with Brian leaving. :) I need to get in the "school mode" and get a good schedule before I get hard and heavy in nursing school.

Friday, May 28, 2010

PCOS is official...I have PCOS...or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. They say I probably have always had it even before I got pregnant with Baylee but that after I had her the hormones really got thrown out of whack. It affects 5 - 10% of women of reproductive age. It has caused me to have problems with low female hormones, high male hormones which cause facial hair/mail hair, thinning hair, dark skin patches, excessive weight gain, inability to lose weight, insulin resistance, irregular periods/infertility, etc. He said it took so long to diagnose b/c they thought I had thyroid issues b/c my old doctor diagnosed me with that but the last two thyroid test came back normal. So blood work and a physical exam proved I had PCOS. It is sad b/c had we known earlier I wouldn't have had a miscarriage last year. He said when Brian gets home and I am still having problems then he will send me to an endocrinologist.

For now...treatment is birth control and glucophage (anti-diabetic drug). I also will be on a semi-diabetic diet. We shall see!!! I am sad that I have this but glad to finally have answers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Deployment - 2010

Here we go again! The hubby is away on his latest deployment. I am so glad that I have such a great support group. Please remember to pray for our troops!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Promise to My Man! :)

I don't do very good about keeping this blog updated. However, my hubby left yesterday and after his last deployment I promised him I would keep this blog up a little better. Of course, I have facebook and so does he but I think he likes to come somewhere to see a little more detail of what is going on in our life while he is away. He left this morning on his second phase of this deployment. (You will see video on the page.) So I figure it is about time to start writing a little. Even if I only have time to do it a few times a month. Hopefully, I will have time to do it more but at this time I don't want to promise to do more than I can!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nursing School: Applications!

Well just a follow up on this little journey of mine. :)

Nursing school applications 1 and 2 were sent today. I have one more to send February 1st. I won't know anything until April or May and that is a loooonnnngggg wait but there isn't much I can do at this point except pray!!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Nursing School: Application Info & CPR

Hi guys! Okay here is my first Vlog aka Video Blog. Please excuse the "ums" and lovely southern voice. Ha! This video will just tell a bit about HealthCare Provider CPR and some information about applying for nursing school. If you have any questions, just ask!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Nursing School: Getting Ready To Apply

In my journey to return to nursing school I have been very interested in reading about other nursing students stories. I have found many places online where people have written about their experiences. I also have found many video blogs. One of my favorites can be found here. I just like that she gives you a feel of what it all really feels like. Please remember when reading this blog or any other nursing school students blog that what we say is not necessarily what you will experience. Every school is different and every students experience is different. I do plan to get a video blog up and going but those videos will be posted here. Sometimes I just want to write so that will continue here as well. I might not have any followers when it comes to the nursing school info but I like having this kind of as my journal of what is going on with me. It will be neat after I graduate nursing school to look back and show what I have experienced. I think it might be interesting to have this where my daughter (and maybe any future children) can read my thoughts through this process! Mainly this is for me BUT if anyone is here reading this...welcome!

Getting Ready To Apply

  • Many nursing schools have pre-regs that you have to take before you apply. It is different for each program. In our area, the LPN program does not require pre-regs but the ADN program does. I will be going towards the ADN program. The ones that I am applying for require at least an ACT of 18 or above. It also requires A&P I & A&PII and Intro to Sociology.
  • I have an ACT score higher than 18 - CHECK!
  • I have taken A&PI and A&PII - CHECK! (Side note: I took both of these online. At the time I was working full time. I wish looking back that I would have not taking A&PII online but each person is different! Mine could have been because of being so tired after working all day.)
  • I have taken Intro to Sociology - CHECK!

Application Deadlines

  • At one school I can apply between now and March 31st.
  • At another school I can apply between February 1st and March 31st.
  • Some people have school loyalty. I have several friends who only want to apply at one school or another and that is perfectly fine. Don't let anyone talk you into doing anything else! You have to do what makes you happy. If you want to only apply at one...apply at one! If you want to apply at several...apply at several! You have to do what makes you happy as this is your life! :)
  • We have two local colleges which have the ADN program. I do plan on applying at both colleges in order to increase my chances because it is tough to get in to nursing school! I have actually attended both and I feel they are probably pretty equal.

Other Application Information

  • After you get accepted into the nursing program it says (at our two schools) you will be required to take CPR for HealthCare Providers. You aren't required to take this until after you are accepted but I do plan on taking it this Saturday so that I can send it in with my application. It may not help me at all that I already have it but I don't think it will hurt to try. :)
  • Another requirement is NET (Nurse/Nursing Entrance Exam). Again, this is not required before is only required after you have been accepted but I am toying with beginning to study and taking this early. We shall see.

So...I guess that is it for now! :)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy Housewife! :)

It's official! I am now an official SAHM (Stay At Home Mom), House Wife and College Student! I do all three so I don't know what my official title will be.

I actually have been a SAHM for almost 3 weeks now but with Brian working out of town and all the holidays this is my actual "first" week of testing it out. I don't start school until next week so I am tyring to get alot done over the next week and the weekend. I will be at school Tuesdays & Thursdays. I will be home Monday/Wednesday/Friday and everyday I will be home by the time my 6th grader gets home from school.

I have gotten mixed responses about my decision. I have learned that some people sure can be hypocritical. For whatever reason it is okay if some people want to be SAHM but not others. This is the second time I have tried this and for the second time a few people kind of turn their nose up about it. Oh well. I won't complain because I know I am doing what is the best for me and my family and most importantly doing what God has called me to do. I love them anyway and they have their right to their opinion but I do hope that they end up realizing how much of a good thing this is. It has been only two days and I am in love! I have been brought to tears twice with emotion! Ha! I am a crier...what can I say!

I am able to do things I wasn't able to do when I was a working mom. We now have time for me to get up and actually fix breakfast for the whole family and us all sit down at the table together to eat! I fix my husbands lunch, take my daughter to school when I need to, do chores around the house that were always put on the backburner. My favorite part is that at this time usually I would still be at work and could possibly be there another 30 minutes. YET I am now at home COOKING dinner!! A dinner that won't have to be picked up at a fast food resturaunt because we are too late getting home to a cook and a dinner that will be eaten together at the table because we aren't too tired to eat there!

I know for you that are already SAHM moms this probably isn't a big deal but from a working woman with no time for her family this is awesome! I will be able to spend more time with Brian before he deploys, be with my daughter more and do what I need to do to finish nursing school!