Thursday, January 05, 2006

Not only do I have a B&B - we are both T’s! Just add that to the list of things in common!

Organic - I agree about the organic. It is very expensive but it is so much better for you! It is a shame that it is so expensive to eat healthy! No wonder so many people in America are Obese!!!

TBL - Watching the show last night I was really encouraged. Once again these are just people that are watching what they eat and exercising. If WHOLE families can do this it seems like I should be able to do it! It is amazing how much 40lbs makes a difference. Then that one mom that lost 78 - wow! The all looked great! I got my BL book yesterday but did not have time to read it yet. As soon as I do I will start posting info, etc. as I read it.

Discovery/ - I signed up for the Discovery but I never went in and researched. Yes before on our "other" tries to lose weight we did discuss fitday. I am glad you brought it up because I was trying to think of it because I remembered the little charts and stuff. I do really good when I can see how I am actually doing!

Detox Diet - I was going to send you the info out of the magazine I found but when I started looking it had a website. I went to that website and found out I could by the e-book for $5.00. I am going to get you the info ASAP. I only read the magazine version - I have not read the e-book yet. I plan on doing that tonight. My goal is to start day 1 of the fruit flush on Saturday. You want to do it to?

1 comment:

Traci said...

Yes I do want to do it. You can just send me the link and I'll buy it to. That way you don't have to post a bunch of stuff.